近年来我国定向刨花板(OSB)产能逐年增加,目前主要应用于家具制造与装修,而在建筑结构中应用相对较少;为了实现我国碳达峰、碳中和目标,随着村镇装配式建筑的发展,建筑结构用OSB使用量必将大幅上升,主要用作木结构和轻钢建筑的墙面板、楼面板和屋面板等结构用覆面板。1987年日本就制定了日本农林标准(JAS)《構造用パネル》(《结构用人造板》,最新版JAS 0360:2019),作为结构用OSB产品质量认证和检测的主要依据,而我国目前没有专用的结构用OSB产品标准。与结构用OSB日本农林标准比较,我国行业标准LY/T 1580-2010《定向刨花板》中规定的承载型板材在指标要求、试件尺寸和数量、试验方法、抽样方案以及产品合格判定方法等方面存在较大差异。通过对比中日标准技术规定的异同,以期为OSB在我国建筑结构领域使用的规范化与标准化提供参考。鉴于钉连接性能对建筑结构的抗震性能影响显著,建议在我国标准修订中增加该项指标规定。
In recent years,the OSB production capacity in China has increased significantly year by year.At present,it is mainly used in furniture manufacturing and decoration,and less applied in architectural structures.In order to achieve the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality in China,OSB will be more used in large quantity for structures with the development of prefabricated buildings in villages and towns,and it is mainly used as the wall sheathing,subfloors,roof sheathing and other structural panels of wood and light steel constructions.The Japanese Agricultural Standard(JAS):“Structural Panel”in first edition and the latest edition is JAS 0360:2019,which is the basis for quality certification and test of structural OSB is published in 1987.But there is no special standard for structural OSB products in China.There are great differences between the Chinese and Japanese standards in terms of properties requirements,the size and quantity of test pieces,test methods,sampling schemes and product conformity determination methods of structural OSB.This paper compares the similarities and differences between the Japanese and Chinese standards,to provide reference for the standardized use of structural OSB in the field of architectural structures in China.Nail connection property has a significant impact on the seismic performance of building structures,so it is suggested that this property requirements should be included in the future revision of the Chinese standard.
Xiaoxia Wang;Zhaohui Wang;Bin Lv(Research Institute of Wood Industry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Beijing 100091,China)
World Forestry Research