
海外研发中心促进母公司创新绩效了吗? 被引量:3

Has overseas R&D centers promoted the innovation performance of parent companies?
摘要 本文围绕“设立海外研发中心与母公司创新绩效”的关系展开理论研究,认为海外研发中心的设立,是新兴市场国家企业在国际化战略中追赶发达国家企业的重要方式,并对于母公司创新绩效存在正向影响。在此基础上建立固定效应模型进行实证分析,选取汽车行业作为研究对象,结果证明:海外研发中心能够更好地将获取的国际资源转化为专利数量为代表的母公司创新绩效,但对专利质量为代表的母公司创新绩效的作用效果有所不同;国有控股企业因国内政策支持反而会受到东道国的某些限制,从而抑制母公司创新绩效的提升;当企业自身能力较弱,无法独立建立海外研发中心时,企业可以采用并购海外技术先进型企业并在并购企业所在地建立研发中心的方式达到事半功倍的效果。在此基础上,本文从企业层面和政府层面提出我国汽车制造业进一步创新发展的路径。 China′s automobile manufacturing industry has achieved rapid growth in the past decade. Since 2012, China′s independent automobile brands have gradually set up overseas R&D centers through the cultivation of innovation ability. However, compared with developed countries, the establishment of overseas R&D centers by Chinese enterprises started relatively late and is still in its infancy. According to the theory of monopoly advantage and the theory of internalization, MNCs′ overseas R&D investment can make full use of their own technological advantages to promote the improvement of R&D level. With the increase of R&D internationalization, more and more scholars begin to study the impact of R&D internationalization on innovation performance. At present, there are three kinds of views, positive impact, related impact and negative impact. In other words, there is no clear conclusion about the impact of overseas R&D centers on innovation performance. Therefore, whether enterprises should set up overseas R&D centers, the specific considerations of setting up overseas R&D centers and whether there is a positive impact on the innovation performance of the parent company should be further studied.On the basis of previous studies, this paper analyzes the automobile industry, which is more popular in the development of overseas R&D centers in recent years, and analyzes whether the establishment of R&D centers overseas of enterprises can directly affect their own innovation performance, whether the number of patents cited, whether the enterprises are state-owned holding and whether cross-border M&A activities to developed countries can affect the establishment of R&D centers overseas and enterprise innovation performance based on the theoretical analysis and empirical analysis, this paper discusses the influence of R&D internationalization on innovation performance more deeply.This paper conducts an empirical test on the relationship between the establishment of overseas R&D centers and the innovation performance of the parent company, and draws the following conclusions: First, through the introduction of technology and independent innovation, the establishment of overseas R&D centers has a positive impact on the innovation performance of the parent company. The establishment of overseas R&D centers brings more opportunities for enterprises to obtain world-class technical resources, including not only advanced technology levels and R&D capabilities, but also high-quality talents and cutting-edge information, which promote enterprises to increase their awareness of innovation and enhance their ability to innovate. All parties are committed to the improvement of corporate innovation performance, opening up the world market and improving international competitiveness.Secondly, the establishment of overseas R&D centers failed to promote the parent company′s further transformation of technological achievements into technological applications, which had a positive impact on the parent company′s innovation performance. Overseas R&D centers have a significant impact on the "total number of patent applications" and "the number of invention patents", but have not brought positive effects on the quality of patents represented by "the number of cited patents". It is suggested that in future China needs to enhance the innovation performance of enterprises by strengthening the application of innovation results.Thirdly, state-owned holdings will be subject to certain restrictions from the host country due to policy support, so they do not play an expected role in the impact of the establishment of overseas R&D centers on the innovation performance of enterprises. But cross-border mergers and acquisitions as a type of organization for companies to set up research and development centers overseas can play a role in promoting innovation performance.Finally, this article puts forward the enlightenment about the development of China′s automobile manufacturing industry at the enterprise perspective and the government perspective in combination with the above research conclusions. At the enterprise perspective, first of all, China′s auto manufacturers should speed up the pace of "going global". In the future development, China′s auto manufacturers should focus on the global market, open up the international market, set up R&D centers overseas, and make full use of international resources to enhance their own innovation capabilities. Secondly, we need to establish an innovative and coordinated development mechanism that links overseas R&D centers with the parent company in the future, with the purpose of "improving quality and efficiency". Overseas research and development centers should continue to make breakthroughs on the basis of existing patents, increase the number of cited patents, and strengthen the transformation and application of core technologies. The parent company not only needs to focus on overseas introduction, but also needs to improve its own absorption and technology transformation capabilities. Finally, whether we are setting up an overseas R&D center directly or choosing a cross-border merger and acquisition approach to set up an overseas R&D center, you should make adequate preparations and rationally integrate resources. We need to conduct a comprehensive survey of target companies in advance, to understand the local laws, culture, politics, and other factors that affect mergers and acquisitions, and increase the probability of successful establishment or mergers and acquisitions.At the government perspective, firstly, the government can introduce a policy mechanism that encourages automobile manufacturers to invest abroad. Secondly, the government can use the political relationship with the host country to establish a green channel for auto manufacturing companies, so that China′s auto manufacturers can make full use of the host country′s innovation resources and learn the advanced technology and R&D level of the host country enterprises. At the same time, companies should weigh the impact of political resources and establish appropriate political connections so that they can use the "hand of the government" to obtain more scarce resources while avoiding the negative effects of excessive government intervention. Finally, the government needs to increase fiscal, taxation and financial support for the establishment of overseas R&D centers by Chinese automobile manufacturers, to solve problems such as difficult financing and slow financing, and to provide them with credit guarantees. At the same time, more preferential tax reduction or exemption policies on encouraging R&D investment, technological innovation and technology conversion should be introduced in future.
作者 李静怡 刘瑶 孙潇菲 Li Jingyi;Liu Yao;Sun Xiaofei(School of Finance and Taxation,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Dalian 116025,Liaoning,China;School of Intemational Economics and Trade,Dongbei University of Finance and Economics,Dalian 116025,Liaoning,China)
出处 《科研管理》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期148-156,共9页 Science Research Management
基金 辽宁省社科规划基金项目:“我国信息通讯企业研发国际化的多样性及其创新绩效研究”(L19BJY020)。
关键词 海外研发中心 创新绩效 专利被引次数 跨国并购 overseas R&D center innovation performance patent citation cross-border merger and acquisition
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