
清末民初留美生的人才培养与就业状况考察 被引量:2

The Talent Development Mode and Employment of American-educated Chinese Students(1900—1920)
摘要 论文以清末民初留美生的专业选择、培养方式和就业质量为切入点,考察清政府与北洋政府时期留学政策的实施与成效、留美生在美国的实习经历以及留美生专业选择及其对就业的影响。研究显示,从清政府到北洋政府,留学政策开始呈现出专业性、针对性与计划性的特点。留美生大多以社会需要作为自身专业选择的依据。随着国人对实学专业认识的逐渐深入,实学不再单纯局限于理工科,商科等文科专业同样受到留美生重视。留美生培养的计划性,学用结合的人才培养方式,在一定程度上加强了人才培养专业与就业的有效衔接,提高了留美生的创新能力和实践能力,提升了留美生的就业能力,对近代中国经济社会转型发展产生了积极的促进作用。 Focusing on American-educated Chinese students of the 1900s and 1920s,this paper gives an analysis of the Chinese Government’s policy on overseas education from aspects of policy-making,implementation and results.In addition,it discusses the experiences of Chinese students’ internship in America and the succeeding impact on their future employment subsequent to their return to China.The author argues that a planned study-abroad policy combined with designated schemes of training and learning through applications had enhanced Chinese students’ abilities in innovation and practice significantly.It did not only widen their own career paths,but was also a stimulus to the socio-economic development of modern China.
作者 米惠华 MI Hui-hua(School of History,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210008,China)
出处 《华侨华人历史研究》 CSSCI 2022年第3期61-70,共10页 Journal of Overseas Chinese History Studies
关键词 清末 民初 留学教育 留美生 人才培养 late Qing early Republic of China overseas education American-educated Chinese students talent development
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