
医学院校医学英语教育教学体系的重构与实践 被引量:6

Reconstruction and practice of medical English education and teaching system in medical colleges and universities in China
摘要 为探索医学院校医学英语教育教学体系的重构与实践,本研究逐一访谈了23名国内医学院校外国语学院院长和综合院校开设医学专业的医学英语教学负责人,并收回西安医学院2270份医学本科生有效问卷。医学院校医学英语教育教学存在的共性弊病为,医学英语师资医科知识严重不足、偏重医学英语教学、医学英语人文教育分量不足、医科英语教材偏重语言知识、课程教学与人才培养目标协同度不足。重构医学院校医学英语教育教学体系的路径为,医学院校医科英语教师与附属医院临床医生协同备课与授课,实现院院协作模式,实现师资重构、新医科医学英语教材重构、教学方式重构,采取线上与线下混合式医学英语教育教学。教育教学目标层面,注重医学生知识能力、情感素养的协同培养;医学英语学科建设层面,促成医学英语学科对医学英语教育教学的有力支撑。医学英语教师教研胜任力是医学院校医学英语教育教学成败的关键因素。需加大学界与业界的融合,实现医学英语教育教学产学研一体化,培养懂医学、英语语言能力过硬的英语专业人才和能用英语与外界沟通的医疗外交人才和援非医疗人才。 To explore the reconstruction and practice of medical English education in medical colleges and universities in China,totally,23 deans of foreign language schools of medical universities and teachers in charge of English for Medical Purpose from prestigious universities where students have access to multidisciplinary education were interviewed via WeChat respectively.Additionally,a valid questionnaire survey was collected of 2270 medical undergraduates in Xi'an Medical University,thus to evaluate feedback related to medical English education.In terms of medical English education,medical colleges and universities have such commonly shared disadvantages as insufficient medical knowledge of medical English teachers,imbalance between medical teaching and medical education,insufficient humanistic education in medical English teaching,poor integration of language and medicine science,ineffective coordination and matching between curriculum teaching and education objectives.Advisably,mixed mode of medical English education and teaching system in medical colleges and universities should be restructured.As for the development of English teachers for Medical Purpose,the synergy between medical English teachers in medical colleges and clinicians in affiliated hospitals should be developed via cooperative lesson preparation and classroom teaching characterized by hospital-school collaboration.Also,concerning teaching approaches and education and teaching objectives,the mixing of online and offline teaching should be adopted to achieve the objectives of making students be intellectually,competently,and emotionally qualified for future post.Last,medical English discipline should be prioritized to provide support for medical English education and teaching.The teaching and research competence of medical English teachers is the key factor for medical English education and teaching in medical colleges and universities.Importantly,integration of academia and medical industry needs to be deepened to facilitate the integration of medical industry,education and research,thus to ensure the development of high-quality medical talents with good mastery of English and medical English talents with good mastery of medicine in the fields of medical diplomacy and medical aid in African countries.
作者 薛英利 Xue Yingli(Centre for Medical Language and Culture Studies,Xi'an Medical University,Xi'an 710021,China)
出处 《中华医学教育探索杂志》 2022年第3期281-287,共7页 Chinese Journal of Medical Education Research
基金 中国外语教育基金重点项目"新医科和新文科交融背景下的医学院校混合式英语教学与教育体系构建研究"(ZGWYJYJJ10Z014) 教育部产学合作协同育人项目"新医科背景下医学院校英语教师线上线下研修"(202002268025) 陕西省高等继续教育学会重点项目"大健康背景下基于成果导向的继续教育医学英语课程构建研究"(2019-08) 教育部人文社科规划基金项目"德国医学人文教育经验及启发研究"(21XJAZH016)。
关键词 医学英语教育教学体系 混合式教学 医学院校 Medical English education and teaching system Mixed teaching Medical colleges and universities
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