

Research on Electroplating Wastewater Treatment Technology by Evaporation Concentration Technology
摘要 电镀工艺产生的电镀废水会对周边的环境产生严重的影响,由于电镀工艺在工业生产中应用范围广泛,对电镀废水的处理已成为当前工业生产中需要重视的主要问题。蒸发浓缩技术是电镀废水处理技术的一种,本文以该技术为主要研究对象,着重对基于该技术的电镀废水处理技术进行研究和分析,旨在促进电镀废水处理技术水平的不断提高。 The electroplating wastewater generated during the production process will have a serious impact on the surrounding environment,and because the electroplating process is widely used in industrial production,the treatment of electroplating wastewater has become the main focus in current industrial production.Evaporation concentration technology is a kind of electroplating wastewater treatment technology.This paper takes the evaporation concentration technology as the main research object,and focuses on the research and analysis of the electroplating wastewater treatment technology based on the evaporation concentration technology,aiming to promote the continuous improvement of the electroplating wastewater treatment technology level.
作者 林楚佳 Lin Chujia(Guangzhou Zhonglv Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510000,China)
出处 《皮革制作与环保科技》 2022年第15期132-134,共3页 Leather Manufacture and Environmental Technology
关键词 蒸发浓缩技术 电镀废水 处理技术 evaporation and concentration technology electroplating wastewater treatment technology
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