

A Research on Pricing Decision of Hybrid Channel Supply Chain Considering Online Coupon Promotion
摘要 在第三方线上零售商进行优惠券促销情景下,考虑消费者渠道偏好以及价格偏好的异质性,构建由制造商和第三方线上零售商共同构成的混合渠道供应链模型。同时基于消费者效用理论讨论市场划分情况,并通过建立制造商为领导者的Stackelberg博弈模型,研究制造商的定价决策与第三方线上零售商的促销决策。研究结果表明,当旅行成本较大时,线上渠道偏好比例的增大不能促使线上优惠券金额变小;促销活动的复杂程度与制造商的定价负相关,与优惠券金额负相关。 Under the scenario of a third-party online retailer’s coupon promotion, the heterogeneity of consumer channel preferences and price preferences are considered, and a mixed channel supply chain model composed of manufacturers and third-party online retailers constructed. Based on the theory of consumer utility analysis and discussion of market division,and through the establishment of a Stackelberg game model with the manufacturer as the leader, the manufacturer’s pricing decisions and the third-party online retailers’ promotion decisions are studied. The research results show that when the travel cost is large, the increase in the proportion of online channel preference cannot make the amount of online coupons smaller;the complexity of promotional activities is negatively related to the manufacturer’s pricing and negatively related to the amount of coupons.
作者 杜建国 李景福 DU Jianguo;LI Jingfu(School of Management,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China;Computational Experiment Center For Social Science,Jiangsu University,Zhenjiang 212013,China)
出处 《工业工程》 北大核心 2022年第4期11-19,共9页 Industrial Engineering Journal
基金 国家社会科学基金重大专项资助项目(18VSJ038)。
关键词 混合渠道供应链 优惠券 消费者效用理论 STACKELBERG博弈 hybrid channel supply chain coupons consumer utility theory Stackelberg game
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