
印度国歌争议与印度民族国家建构的困境 被引量:1

The Controversy over Indian National Anthem and the Dilemma in Indian Nation-state Building
摘要 印度有两种国歌,一种是泰戈尔创作的《人民的意志》(Jana Gana Mana),称为“National Anthem”;另一种是查特吉创作的《致敬母亲》(Vande Mataram),称为“National Song”。这种复杂的国歌制度设计与印度民族国家建构中的穆斯林问题关系密切。《致敬母亲》出自查特吉19世纪80年代创作的小说《阿难陀寺院》。该小说反映了一群印度教托钵僧武力反抗穆斯林统治者的故事。《致敬母亲》是小说中一首反复吟唱的歌曲,对印度民族独立运动的发展壮大发挥了重要的宣传鼓动作用,被甘地称为印度的国歌。小说充满暴力反穆色彩,而且既反对穆斯林统治者,也反对普通穆斯林。《致敬母亲》将印度比喻为伟大的母亲,并具象化为杜尔迦女神,在印度民族独立运动中发展为影响深远的“印度母亲”崇拜。暴力反穆色彩和偶像崇拜嫌疑使得穆斯林强烈反对在印度民族独立运动中使用《致敬母亲》。1937年,印度国大党试图通过关于国歌问题的声明调和这一矛盾。印度制宪会议期间,尼赫鲁建议以《人民的意志》取代《致敬母亲》,但遭到印度教民族主义者的强烈反对。1950年1月24日,制宪会议以主席声明形式宣布《人民的意志》为国歌,《致敬母亲》享有同样地位。1957年后,印度政府通过重新解释该声明,将《人民的意志》解释为具有法律强制性的“national anthem”,将《致敬母亲》解释为“national song”,但不具法律强制性。20世纪八九十年代以来,这种国歌安排越来越遭到印度教民族主义挑战。印度国歌争议凸显了印度的民族国家建构困境。 There are two Indian national anthems:one is Jana Mana by Rabindranath Tagore,which is the national anthem of India,and the other is Vande Mataram written by Chatterjee,which is often referred to as the national song.The complex design of the national anthem system is closely related to the Muslim problem in the nation-state building of India.The lyrics of Vande Mataram are based on Bankim Chandra Chatterjee’s novel Anandamath written in the 1880 s,which tells the story of a group of Hindu monks who rebelled against a Muslim ruler by force.Vande Mataram is a song chanted repeatedly in the novel,which played an important role in agitating the masses during India’s independence movement and it was called the national song of India by Mahatma Gandhi.Full of violent anti-Muslim overtones,the novel is against both Muslim rulers and ordinary Muslims.Vande Mataram compares India to a great mother and concretizes it as the goddess Durga,which has developed into the far-reaching "Bharat Mata" worship in the independence movement.The implications of violent anti-Muslim and suspicious tendency of idolatry in Vande Mataram have made it strongly opposed by the Indian Muslims at the time.In 1937,the Indian National Congress tried to reconcile the contradiction through a statement on the issue of the national anthem.During the Indian Constituent Assembly,Jawaharlal Nehru proposed to replace Vande Mataram with Jana Gana Mana,but his proposal was strongly opposed by Hindu nationalists.On January24 th,1950,the Constituent Assembly proclaimed Jana Gana Mana the national anthem in the form of a presidential statement,while announcing that Vande Mataram enjoys equal status.After 1957,the Indian government reinterpreted the statement,which made singing Jana Gana Mana,the national anthem,mandatory,while singing Vande Mataram,the national song,voluntary.Since the 1980 s and 1990 s,this arrangement has been increasingly challenged by Hindu nationalists.The controversy over the national anthem highlights the dilemma in India’s nation-state building.
作者 齐仁达 QI Renda
出处 《南亚东南亚研究》 2022年第4期103-123,156,157,共23页 South and Southeast Asian Studies
关键词 印度国歌 《人民的意志》 《致敬母亲》 印度穆斯林 民族国家建构 National Anthem of India Jana Gana Mana Vande Mataram Indian Muslim Nation-state Building
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