
五倍子生产“三要素”的生态适宜性区划研究 被引量:1

Ecological Suitability Regionalization of the “Three Elements” of Galla Chinensis Production
摘要 目的中药材五倍子分为角倍、肚倍两类。角倍由角倍蚜转主寄生于其冬寄主侧枝匍灯藓及夏寄主盐肤木而形成;肚倍由肚倍蚜转主寄生于其冬寄主密叶尖喙藓、美灰藓及夏寄主红麸杨、青麸杨而形成。本文运用药用植物全球产地生态适宜性区划信息系统(Geographic Information System for Global Medicinal Plants,GMPGIS)分析五倍子生产“三要素”五倍子蚜及其冬、夏寄主的全国生态适宜性,为五倍子全国引种栽培的合理布局提供科学数据支撑。方法根据网络数据库、文献等资源,分别选取五倍子蚜及其寄主生境样点,确定经纬度信息。选择年均温、年均相对湿度、年均降水量、年均日照、土壤等22个生态指标,运用GMPGIS分析生态适宜性。结果角倍适生区域主要分布于长江以南,如贵州、四川、重庆、湖北、湖南等省;肚倍适生区域主要分布于长江以北,如陕西、河南、四川等省;四川、湖北两省同时适于两种五倍子的生长。结合本草考证与质量评价,提出四川、重庆、贵州、湖北西南部、湖南西北部可作为角倍核心产区,陕西、湖北西北部可作为肚倍发展的核心产区。结论本研究为五倍子的引种繁育及生产合理布局提供了科学依据。 Objective Chinese medicinal material Galla Chinensis is divided into two types: horn galls and gallnuts. The aphid forms horn galls is Schlechtendalia chinensis Bell, who parasitizes Plagiomnium maximoviczii(Lindb.) T.Kop. in winter, but resides on Rhus chinensis Mill during the other time;the Gallnuts are formed by Kaburagia rhusicola, who parasitizes Oxyrrhynchium savatieri and Hypnum leptothallum(Müll. Hal.) in winter and lives on R. punjabensis and R.potaninii during the other period. To provide scientific data support for the introduction of Galla Chinensis, this paper analyzed the ecological suitability of the three elements in relation to Galla Chinensis production, including aphid and its winter and summer hosts in China based on GMPGIS system.Methods The latitude and longitude of Chinese gallnut aphid and its hosts′ habitat were selected from the online database and literatures. 21 ecological factors, including average temperature in coldest season, average temperature in hottest season, average annual temperature, average annual relative humidity, average annual precipitation and average annual sunshine, and one soil factor, were used to analyze the ecological suitability based on the GMPGIS system.Results The suitable regions of horn galls were mainly distributed in the provinces south of the Yangtze River, such as Guizhou, Sichuan, Chongqing, Hubei, Hunan, etc.Gallnuts′ suitable areas were mainly distributed in the provinces north of the Yangtze River, such as Shaanxi, Henan,Sichuan, etc. Both Sichuan and Hubei were suitable for the growth of two kinds of Galla Chinensis. Based on the textual research and quality evaluation of herbs, Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou, the southwest of Hubei and the northwest of Hunan can be regarded as the core producing areas of horn galls, while Shaanxi and the northwest of Hubei can be regarded as the core producing areas of gallnuts. Conclusion This study not only demonstrated the scientific and significance of GMPGIS system in the introduction and production regionalization of Chinese traditional medicinal crops,but also provided a scientific basis for the introduction, breeding and rational distribution of Chinese gallnut.
作者 田徐芳 胡娟 桑子阳 王志鸣 刘义飞 Tian Xufang;Hu Juan;Sang Ziyang;Wang Zhiming;Liu Yifei(College of Pharmacy,Hubei University of Chinese Medicine,Wuhan 430065,China;Forestry Research Institute of Wufeng County,Wufeng 443400,China)
出处 《世界科学技术-中医药现代化》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期1433-1444,共12页 Modernization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Materia Medica-World Science and Technology
基金 湖北省财政厅、湖北省科学技术厅湖北省中央引导地方科技发展专项(2019ZYYD063):中药组学研究与资源评价创新平台,负责人:刘义飞。
关键词 五倍子 蚜虫 苔藓 盐肤木属 GMPGIS 生态适宜性 Galla Chinensis Aphid Moss Rhus GMPGIS Ecological suitability
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