

The Plague in Fengtian During the Late Qing Dynasty:Environmental Changes and Social Mobilization Under Modernization and Opening-up Policy
摘要 晚清的奉天地区,在世界现代化推进和内外开放的双重背景下,社会环境和自然环境都发生了巨大变化,这集中表现在区域人口激增、城镇商埠兴起、铁路交通发展、战争动乱增多和自然灾害频发等方面,而环境的变动直接导致了该地区疫灾的高发。在时间和空间上,奉天地区的疫灾呈现出较大的不平衡性。就发生时间而言,光宣时期疫灾发生密度最高;在发生地区上,以奉天府、锦州府、凤凰直隶厅、昌图府等地区疫灾暴发次数为多,这与时代环境、地理分布、经济发展水平、政区的等级与设置等因素密切相关。由于奉天地区改制较晚,政府力量薄弱,加之列强势力的渗透,当地政局十分复杂,因此,在疫灾防治的过程中,国家对社会力量的动员尤为重要。各级政府以“信赏必罚”为原则,灵活运用政治、经济等手段动员民间力量与外国势力共同防治。从政府联动到官绅合作再到对外交涉,以及清末鼠疫期间的“奖惩并举”“地方捐募”和“防疫筹建”,都表明了紧急状态下提升社会动员效能的重要性。 During the late Qing Dynasty, the social and natural environment in the area of Fengtian Prefecture changed dramatically in the context of global modernization and opening-up policy, which was mainly manifested in the surge of regional population, the rise of towns and commercial ports, the development of railway transportation, the increase of wars and disturbances and the frequent occurrences of natural disasters,etc., and the environmental changes directly led to the increase of epidemics in this area, which presented imbalances in time and space of the occurrences. In terms of time, the highest density of epidemic occurred during the period from1875 to 1911;in terms of space, the most outbreaks occurred in Fengtian Prefecture,Jinzhou Prefecture, Fenghuang Department and Changtu Prefecture, which was closely related to the background of the times, geographical distribution, economic development, and the administrative division.The late restructuring of Fengtian administration and the infiltration by other countries led to the incompetent government and complex political situation. The mobilization of social forces by the state was particularly important in the process of epidemic prevention and control. Keeping strictly the rules for reward and punishment, the governments at all levels flexibly adopted political and economic measures to mobilize civil power and foreign forces to fight the epidemic. The joint efforts of government sections, the cooperation of officials and gentry, diplomatic negotiations, as well as the measures of“reward and punishment”,“local donations”and“epidemic prevention and construction”during that period demonstrated the importance of enhancing the effectiveness of social mobilization in an emergency situation.
作者 姜文浩 JIANG Wenhao(School of History,Anhui Normal University)
出处 《南京林业大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2022年第4期88-99,共12页 Journal of Nanjing Forestry University(Humanities and Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 晚清 奉天 疫灾 环境变动 防治 社会动员 late Qing Dynasty Fengtian epidemic environment change prevention and control social mobilization
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