
关于完善中药学专业本科生人才培养体系的思考 被引量:1

Thoughts on improving the undergraduate talent training system of traditional Chinese pharmacy major
摘要 在促进中医药事业现代化、产业化的大背景下,加强中医药高等院校高素质应用型人才培养,应不断推进中药学专业改革,进一步探索培养中药学专业高素质人才的路径。中医药高等院校应着手完善中药学专业课程体系建设,提升学生职场竞争力;推进专业教学质量保障体系建设,保证人才培养质量;加强中医药外语教学,培养学生对外交流能力;加强学科师资队伍建设,推进学科人才建设。以学生为中心改革教学模式,高等院校应建立院校教育与本科生导师教育相结合的培养模式;构建社会实践基地和服务体验渠道,建设交叉与新兴学科课程,建立科研思维训练平台。同时,学校应树牢学生的中药学专业思想,培养良好的职业规范,提高动手能力和科研能力,培养符合社会需求、岗位需求的高素质复合型人才。最后,学校更要构建内部质量保证与外部质量监控相统一的质量保障体系,培养集良好师德师风品质、教学及科研能力于一体的师资队伍。通过以上多方面的举措,中医药高等院校完善并推行行之有效的中药学专业本科生人才培养体系,以此达到育人目标,提高人才培养质量。 Under the background of promoting the modernization and industrialization of traditional Chinese medicine,it is urgent to strengthen the training of high-quality applied talents in TCM colleges and universities,we should continue to promote the reform of traditional Chinese medicine,and further explore the path for colleges and universities to cultivate high-quality talents of traditional Chinese medicine.Colleges and universities of TCM should start to improve the construction of the curriculum system of traditional Chinese medicine and enhance the competitiveness of students in the workplace,promote the construction of professional teaching quality assurance system to ensure the quality of personnel training,and improve the construction of subject teaching staff and the promotion of the construction of subject talents.To reform the teaching mode with students as the center,colleges and universities should establish a training mode that combines institutional education and undergraduate tutor education,build social practice bases and service experience channels,build interdisciplinary and emerging discipline courses,and establish a scientific research thinking training platform.At the same time,the universities should strengthen students’ professional thinking of traditional Chinese medicine,cultivate good professional norms,improve practical ability and scientific research ability,and cultivate high-quality compound talents who meet social needs and job needs.Finally,it should build a quality assurance system that integrates internal quality assurance and external quality monitoring,and cultivate a team of teachers that integrates good teacher ethics and quality,teaching and scientific research capabilities.Through the above-mentioned various measures,TCM colleges and universities have improved and implemented an effective talent training system for undergraduates majoring in TCM,so as to achieve the goal of educating people and jointly improve the quality of talent training.
作者 李越峰 魏舒畅 余琰 姚娟 曹瑞 LI Yuefeng;WEI Shuchang;YU Yan;YAO Juan;CAO Rui(Gansu University of Chinese Medicine,Lanzhou Gansu 730000,China)
机构地区 甘肃中医药大学
出处 《中兽医医药杂志》 CAS 2022年第4期93-96,共4页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Veterinary Medicine
基金 甘肃中医药大学教育教学研究与改革综合项目(ZHXM-02) 甘肃中医药大学教改项目 高等教育教学成果培育项目 甘肃省教育科学“十二五”规划重点课题(GS[2015]GHBZ024) 甘肃省教育科学“十二五”规划项目([2012]GSGXG038) 甘肃中医药大学2019年校级一流本科课程教学研究与教学改革课题(2019XJYLKC-10)。
关键词 中药学专业 本科生 人才 培养体系 思考 traditional Chinese medicine major undergraduate cultivation system thought
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