
学府大道与宿州大道交叉口次路“左转远引设置”研究 被引量:1

Study on Setting Left-turn by U-turn at the Secondary Road in Intersection of Xuefu Road and Suzhou Road
摘要 采用VISSIM微观交通仿真方法,以次路“左转远引设置”前后的车辆平均延误作为评价指标,分析“左转远引设置”后对交叉口整体交通流的影响。研究表明:当左转交通流与直行交通流的比例分别为10%、15%和20%时,传统交通组织方式的车辆平均延误均为38.2 s,而新型交通组织方式的平均车辆延误分别为19.3 s、19.9 s和20.7 s;当左转交通流的比例占直行交通流的25%时,传统交通组织方式的车辆平均延误为47.6 s,而新型交通组织方式的车辆平均延误为26.5 s。通过实验验证,新型的“左转远引设置”减少了大约一半的延误时间。 Using VISSIM micro-traffic simulation software and evaluation index of average delay of vehicles,the paper analyzes the impact on total traffic capacity by applying left-turn by U-turn for left-turning vehicles in intersection.The research results show that when the left-turn traffic flow accounts for 10%,15%,and 20%respectively in straight traffic flow,the average vehicle delay of the traditional traffic mode is 38.2 seconds;while the average vehicle delay of the new traffic mode respectively is 19.3 seconds,19.9 seconds and 20.7 seconds.When left-turn traffic flow accounts for 25%,the average delay of vehicles of the traditional traffic mode is 47.6 seconds,while the average delay of vehicles of the new traffic mode is 26.5 seconds.The simulation shows that the new"setting of left-turn by U-turn"halves the delay time.
作者 巩舜妹 张启贵 段莉敏 陈元元 刘少婧 GONG Shunmei;ZHANG Qigui;DUAN Limin;CHEN Yuanyuan;LIU Shaojing(School of Resources and Civil Engineering,Suzhou University,Suzhou 234000,China)
出处 《洛阳理工学院学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第3期31-34,共4页 Journal of Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology:Natural Science Edition
基金 宿州学院重点科研项目(2021YZD10) 安徽省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(S202110379197) 宿州学院专创融合重点课程建设项目(SZXY2021ZCKC25).
关键词 通行能力 远引掉头 平均延误 交通流 traffic capacity left-turn by U-turn average delay traffic flow
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