

The Transcultural Vision of"Chinese-Style Arts and Crafts":the Writing Method and Value of Lei Guiyuan’s Speech on Arts and Crafts Techniques
摘要 1929~1931年间游学法国的雷圭元具身体验了欧式现代工业文明与生活风尚,见证了诸多东西方造物艺术交流的历史物证,随后于1936年撰写出版了《工艺美术技法讲话》。时值民族危亡与现代国家建构的关键节点,作为染织、髹漆与玻璃工艺相结合的产物,《工艺美术技法讲话》是他在跨文化、跨媒介的世界性语境中濡化生成的;作为他执教国立杭州艺术专科学校图案系十年的教学总结,书中建构的科学化知识空间与学科化专业序列在当时看来颇具启发性和建设性。本文尝试以此书为研究对象,分析雷圭元研究工艺美术的视角、写法与内容,理解他如何在中西文化交流与融合中开拓中国早期现代设计教育的航道,廓清他筚路蓝缕中如何艰难开启“中国式工艺美术”的现代之路。 Lei Guiyuan,who studied in France from 1929 to 1931,personally experienced European modern industrial civilization and life style,and witnessed much historical material evidence of exchanges between eastern and western creation art.Then he wrote and published Speech on Arts and Crafts Techniques in 1936.As a product of the combination of dyeing and weaving,lacquer art,and glass technology,it is the key node between the national crisis and the construction of a modern state,which was formed by his influence in the world context of transcultural and transmedia;As the teaching summary of his ten years of teaching in the pattern department of the national Hangzhou art college,the scientific knowledge space and disciplinary professional sequence constructed in the book seemed quite enlightening and constructive at that time.This paper attempts to take this book as the research object,analyze the perspective,writing method,and content of Lei Guiyuan’s research on arts and crafts,and understand how he opened up the channel of China’s early modern design education in the exchange and integration of Chinese and Western cultures,and clarify how he has struggled to open the modern road of"Chinese arts and crafts".
作者 吴朋波 黄晨 Wu Pengbo;Huang Chen
出处 《艺术设计研究》 CSSCI 2022年第4期86-91,共6页 Art & Design Research
基金 2020年度国家社科基金艺术学项目“开拓与建构:中国现代早期设计教育家群体研究”(项目编号:20EG209)的阶段性成果。
关键词 跨文化 雷圭元 《工艺美术技法讲话》 写法 价值 transculture Lei Guiyuan Speech on Arts and Crafts Techniques writing method value
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