
新型农村社区党组织建设面临的问题与对策研究 被引量:3

Research on the Problems and Countermeasures of the Construction of New Rural Community Party Organizations
摘要 当今时代是百年未有之大变局的新时代,我国农村经济社会也呈现出前所未有的新变化。在政治方面,党在农村的领导体制由过去的社区(村)“两委”分设向今天的全面推行“一肩挑”转变,党在农村的工作重心由脱贫攻坚、全面建成小康社会向全面实施乡村振兴战略转变;在经济方面,农民的主要经济收入来源由过去的以依靠农业种植、养殖为主向今天的以进城务工创业取得经济收入为主转变,农村基层党组织领导经济工作的任务由过去的以贯彻落实家庭联产承包责任制为主向今天的推动发展壮大集体经济成为一项重要工作任务转变;在社会方面,农村人口结构由熟人社会向半熟人社会转变,农村居民利益诉求由过去的增加经济收入为主向利益诉求多样化转变。这些新变化给新型农村社区基层党组织建设带来了新挑战。应对农村政治经济社会的新变化,加强新型农村社区党组织建设,必须加强组织体系建设,构建社区党组织发挥“总揽全局、协调各方”的领导核心作用的组织体系;抓好干部、党员、人才“三支”队伍建设,为做好社区党组织建设工作奠定基础;加强权力监督制约机制建设,保障“一肩挑”领导体制下的社区党组织权力规范运行。 The present era is a new era of great changes that have not been seen in a century. The rural economy and society of our country have also shown unprecedented new changes. In terms of politics, the Party’s leadership system in rural areas has changed from the separation of “two committees” in the past to the comprehensive implementation of “multi-tasker” today. The focus of the Party’s work in rural areas has changed from poverty alleviation and building a well-off society in an all-round way to the comprehensive implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy. In terms of economy, the main source of economic income of farmers has changed from relying on agricultural planting and breeding in the past to working in cities to obtain economic income today. The task of rural grassroots Party organizations in leading economic work has changed from implementing the household responsibility system in the past to promoting the development and expansion of the collective economy today. In the social aspect, the rural population structure has changed from an acquaintance society to a semi-acquaintance society, and the interest demands of rural residents have changed from increasing economic income in the past to diversification of interest demands. These new changes have brought about new challenges to the construction of grass-roots Party organizations in new rural communities. To cope with the new changes in rural politics, economy and society, and to strengthen the construction of the new rural community Party organizations, we must strengthen the construction of the organizational system and build an organizational system in which the community Party organizations play the leading core role of “taking the overall situation and coordinating all parties”;pay attention to the construction of the “three branches” of cadres, Party members and talents, and lay a foundation for the construction of community Party organizations;strengthen the construction of power supervision and restriction mechanism, and ensure the standardized operation of the power of community Party organizations under the “multi-tasker” leadership system.
作者 杨群红 Yang Qunhong
出处 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第8期11-18,共8页 Academic Journal of Zhongzhou
关键词 农村经济社会变化 新型农村社区 党组织建设 rural economic and social changes new rural community construction of Party organizations
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