
经阴道超声检查在卵巢肿瘤诊断中的应用 被引量:1

Application of transvaginal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors
摘要 目的 探讨经阴道超声检查在卵巢肿瘤诊断中的临床应用价值。方法 回顾性分析我院2020年1月至2021年12月经手术及病理证实的卵巢肿瘤病例60例,年龄22~68岁,平均(40.0±0.5)岁。患者术前均行阴道超声检查。结果 60例卵巢肿瘤病例中,卵巢良性肿瘤39例,卵巢恶性肿瘤21例,58例单侧发病,2例双侧发病。卵巢肿瘤超声主要表现为卵巢区囊性、实性或囊实混合性占位;卵巢良性肿瘤超声表现为单纯囊性或以囊性为主的囊实性肿块,囊壁光滑,可有分隔呈多房囊性病变,实性部分回声均匀,彩色多普勒血流显像示内部无或少量血流信号。卵巢恶性肿瘤超声多表现为不规则实性肿块或以实性为主的囊实性巨大肿块,回声不均匀,可伴有坏死、腹腔积液及转移,彩色多普勒血流显像示肿块内丰富血流信号。结论 经阴道超声检查在卵巢肿瘤的诊断中具有较高的临床应用价值,可准确探查到女性患者卵巢肿瘤的位置,明确肿瘤大小及囊实性成分,进一步判断其良恶性,为临床治疗提供有价值的影像信息。 Objective To investigate the clinical value of transvaginal ultrasonography in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors.Methods Retrospectively analyze 60 cases with ovarian tumors confirmed by operation and pathology in our hospital from January 2020 to December 2021.The patients aged 22~68 years,with an average age of(40.0±0.5)years.All patients underwent abdominal ultrasonography before operation.Results Among 60 cases with ovarian tumors,39 cases were benign ovarian tumors,21 cases were malignant ovarian tumors,58 cases were unilateral and 2cases were bilateral.Ovarian tumors mainly showed cystic,solid or mixed cystic and solid space occupying lesions in ovarian area;Benign ovarian tumors showed simple cystic or mainly cystic solid masses with smooth cystic wall,multiple compartment cystic lesions,uniform echo in the solid part,and no or a small amount of blood flow signal in color Doppler flow imaging.Most ovarian malignant tumors showed irregular solid masses or large solid cystic masses with uneven echo,accompanied by necrosis,ascites and metastasis.Color Doppler flow imaging showed a small amount of blood flow signals in the masses.Conclusion Transvaginal ultrasonography has high clinical application value in the diagnosis of ovarian tumors.It can accurately detect the location of ovarian tumors in female patients,clarify the tumor size and cystic and solid components,further judge its benign and malignant,and provide valuable image information for clinical treatment.
作者 赛尼娅·马那甫 布布尔汗·阿依达尔 陈代英 肯帕特·俄罗斯 吐尼克·加克斯别克 李晓姣 Sainiya·Manapu;Bubuerhan·Ayidaer;Chen Daiying;Kenpate·Eluosi;Tunike·Jiakesibieke;Li Xiaojiao(Department of Ultrasound,Yili Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Yining 221021,China)
出处 《实用医学影像杂志》 2022年第4期380-384,共5页 Journal of Practical Medical Imaging
关键词 超声检查 卵巢肿瘤 诊断 鉴别 Ultrasonic examination Ovarian tumor Diagnosis,differential
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