

A Discussion of Bian Yuanding’s Mental Course as Shown in His Poems and the Origin of Unique Features which were Different from the Song Dynasty Poetic Style
摘要 金初中叶之交辽文化圈边元鼎之诗专注于个体内心悲愤的倾吐,集中于仕途的失败与弃仕后的难舍,纠结于世道之灰暗与自己的有才无用,对个人之贫富贵贱患得患失。其个性执拗不悔,胸无城府不知进退,不了解人情世故,以及纯真任性尽情倾泻而不加持择绝无矫揉之抒情态势,是其特色所在。他少染儒学,不以苏秦、张仪为非;随心任性,纵情酒色,不以露骨的爱情诗为低俗;一味呼天称屈,不知安时处顺;此皆宋诗所缺乏,源自家族文化、地域文化及金初的辽文化圈。 In the early and middle stages of the Jin Dynasty Bian Yuanding, who inherited the Liao Dynastic culture, wrote poems that expressed his personal grief and indignation. The themes focused on his dilemma between failure in pursuit of imperial offices and grievances after abandoning his office, his dissatisfaction for the unfair situation he faced and the uselessness and un-appreciation of his talent, and his concern of social status. His obstinate character, un-sophistication in worldly affairs, and un-affectation all find expression in his poetic creation. He was exposed to Confucian thoughts when young and admired Su Qin and Zhang Yi;he was headstrong and indulged in wine and women and valued bold love poems. His poems made loud cry on the status quo of the times and revealed his unwillingness to be submitted to the current circumstances, features that were rarely found in Song Dynasty poetic style. These features were obviously characterized by Liao Dynasty culture, which were originated from its clan culture and regional culture as found during the early Jin Reign.
作者 狄宝心 DI Baoxin(Chinese department,Xinzhou Teachers University,034000,Xinzhou,China)
出处 《北方工业大学学报》 2022年第4期98-105,共8页 Journal of North China University of Technology
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“13—14世纪丝路纪行文学文献整理与研究”(17ZDA256)。
关键词 边元鼎 心灵历程 金诗 宋诗 辽文化 Bian Yuanding mental course Song Poetry Jin Poetry the Liao Dynasty culture
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