To alleviate the state of urban noise, energy consumption, and carbon emission caused by recurrent traffic congestions, and to improve the ability to resist impacts of a short-term surge in traffic flow, macroscopic fundamental diagrams and performance profiles are combined to quantify the resilience of the urban local road network.Five evaluation indices, including robustness index, ratio of loss areas, rapid recovery, difference of peak flows, and difference of critical densities, are proposed to reflect characteristics of the resilience in the stages of performance degradation, stability, and recovery. The Kendall method is used to test the consistency of each weighting method,and the optimal weight is obtained based on the CRITIC for multi-attribute decision making. Furthermore, a combined method using weighting method and fuzzy logic is proposed to evaluate the resilience of the urban local road network, and the resilience score is graded by the Likert scale. Taking a local road network in the city of Changsha as a case study. Improvement schemes for the resilience are designed, and schemes of traffic signal timing are carried out and optimized to improve the resilience of recurrently congested intersections on key road sections. The evaluation indices of the resilience of the local road network are calculated based on the outputs of VISSIM simulations. The results show that scheme 8, 10, and 16 can effectively absorb the short-term surge in traffic flowand adapt to traffic states on the road network. The scheme 14 has the best performance out of all schemes. The comprehensive resilience score of the urban local road network presents an upward trend of non-linear growth with the increasing number of signal optimized sections. The optimization of traffic signal timing improves resilience properties of the local road network, and then reduces the negative impacts of some key sections on the resilience of urban local road network. Besides, different methods for evaluating the resilience make distinct ranking results.The ranking results based on difference of peak flows are more similar to the results of vulnerability indices, while the ranking results based on ratio of loss areas are more similar to the results of loss of resilience. The proposed evaluation indices, not confined to a single attribute of resilience, can reflect the response process of road network under disruption more comprehensively and objectively.
CHEN Siyu;LI Jie;HU Yancheng;JIANG Yu(College of Civil Engineering,Hunan University,Changsha 410082,China;Department of Management Engineering,Technical University of Denmark,Lyngby 2800Kgs,Denmark)
Journal of Transport Information and Safety
traffic engineering
urban local road network
resilience evaluation
multi-attribute decision making
performance profile
macroscopic fundamental diagram