

Research on Time Coordinated Planning of Amphibious Force Delivery Mission Based on STN
摘要 时间协同规划问题是两栖兵力投送任务协同规划中的难题。在分析两栖编队兵力投送任务特点的基础上,基于简单时间网络(simple temporal network,STN)构建两栖兵力投送任务模型,根据时间一致性检测判断规划是否存在时间冲突,提出了一种基于综合优先调整度的时间冲突消解方法。结合两栖兵力投送任务想定进行案例分析,结果表明研究能够对两栖兵力投送任务进行有效协同规划,具有良好的可行性。 Time coordinated planning is a difficult problem in coordinated planning of amphibious force delivery mission.On the basis of analyzing the characteristics of amphibious force delivery mission,amphibious force delivery mission model based on simple temporal network(STN)is constructed to judge whether there is time conflict in the plan according to time consistency detection,and proposes a time conflict resolution method based on integrated priority scheduling.Combined with the amphibious force delivery mission scenario,the result shows that the reserch can effectively coordinate the planning of amphibious force delivery mission and has super feasibility.
作者 胡忠凯 黄炎焱 HU Zhongkai;HUANG Yanyan(School of Automation,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
出处 《火力与指挥控制》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期85-91,共7页 Fire Control & Command Control
基金 系统装备预研基金资助项目(315055106)。
关键词 两栖投送 时间协同 简单时间网络 冲突检测与消解 amphibious delivery time coordination STN conflict detection and resolution
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