
新时代建设项目压覆矿产资源管理的思考 被引量:4

Thoughts on management of overlaid mineral resources by construction projects in the new era
摘要 建设项目压覆矿产资源管理是合理保护矿产资源和保障建设项目顺利开展的一项行政职能。本文在梳理当前压覆管理面临的健全完善全民所有自然资源有偿使用制度等新形势、新要求的基础上,系统总结了当前压覆管理现状和存在的主要问题,包括以《国土资源部关于进一步做好建设项目压覆重要矿产资源审批管理工作的通知》为纲领性文件的制度建设现状、压覆审批不再作为用地预审或报批前置条件等管理要求现状、压覆补偿协议签订难等制度执行现状,以及有偿压覆制度尚未建立、压覆审批保护重要矿产资源少被压覆的职能发挥不到位、压覆补偿标准不明确、压覆管理内容不全面等问题。针对这些问题,本文从切实维护矿产资源国家所有者和使用者合法权益、增强制度可操作性、加强事中事后监管、提升管理效能的角度,提出了建立健全压覆有偿制度、调整压覆审批程序及职能部门、细化补充压覆补偿管理内容、健全完善压覆管理制度等政策建议,以期为优化压覆管理提供参考意见。 The management of overlaid mineral resources by construction projects is an administrative function to rationally protect mineral resources and ensure the smooth development of construction projects.Based on combing the new situation and new requirements faced by the overlaying management,such as perfecting the compensation system of natural resources owned by the whole people,the paper systematically summarized the current situation and main problems of the current overlaying management system,including the current system construction situation with the Notice of Ministry of Land and Resources on Further Doing a Good Job in the approval and Management of Important Mineral Resources Overlaid by Construction Projects as the programmatic document,the current situation of management requirements such as overlaid approval not used as a precondition for land pre-trial management or land use approval management,the system implementation situation such as lots of difficulties on the signing of overlaying compensation agreement,and the current main problems such as unestablished compensation system of overlaid mineral resources,insufficient function display of overlaying management on protecting mineral resources from being overlaid,unclear overlaying compensation standard,and incomplete management content.In view of the problems,from the perspective of earnestly safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of national owners and users of mineral resources,enhancing the operability of the system,strengthening the supervision during and after the event,and improving the management efficiency,this paper put forward some policy suggestions,including establishing and perfecting the compensation system of overlaid mineral resources,adjusting the approval procedure and functional department of overlaying management,refining and supplementing the management contents of overlaying compensation,and supplementing and perfecting the overlaying management system,looking forward to providing reference for optimizing the management of overlaid mineral resources by construction projects in China.
作者 陈敏 孟刚 苗琦 陈雪 王天元 曲俊利 CHEN Min;MENG Gang;MIAO Qi;CHEN Xue;WANG Tianyuan;QU Junli(Strategic Research Center of Oil and Gas Resources,Ministry of Natural Resources,Beijing 100860,China)
出处 《中国矿业》 2022年第9期24-30,共7页 China Mining Magazine
基金 自然资源部二级项目“矿产资源储量统计质量监控”资助(编号:2022KCZYCLTJ) 自然资源部二级项目“矿产资源储量管理及登记统计制度研究与支撑”资助(编号:2022KCZYCLGL)。
关键词 矿产资源 压覆矿产资源管理 压覆重要矿产资源审批 有偿压覆 政策建议 mineral resource management of overlaid mineral resource overlaying approval of important mineral resource paid overlaying policy suggestion
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