
人体十二经原穴的太赫兹波特征研究 被引量:3

Research of the characteristics of teraherz wave on original acupoints of human twelve meridians
摘要 目的:研究人体十二经原穴的太赫兹波特征。方法:运用太赫兹波光谱技术对60名健康在校大学生的十二经原穴辐射出的太赫兹波进行检测与分析。结果:手部原穴频率的均数曲线最大值均值为0.0069,频率的上限曲线最大值均值为0.0094,频率的下限曲线最小值均值为-0.00016,足部原穴频率的均数曲线最大值均值为0.0047,频率的上限曲线最大值均值为0.0073,频率的下限曲线最小值均值为-0.00029。手部穴位中神门穴、合谷穴、大陵穴太赫兹波辐射量高于阳池穴、腕骨穴、太渊穴,足部穴位中冲阳穴与丘墟穴的太赫兹波辐射量最高,太溪穴与京骨穴的太赫兹波辐射量最低。十二经原穴均在2.60~2.68 THz、2.73~2.84 THz、2.84~2.92 THz、2.92~3.08 THz、3.10~3.20 THz这5个波段内有明显的波峰,且所有医学参考值范围曲线图中3条曲线的最高值均位于3.01 THz这个频率上。结论:不同穴位的太赫兹波辐射曲线上各频率对应辐射强度的医学参考值范围上、下限曲线值范围各有差异;手部原穴的太赫兹波辐射强度比足部穴位的太赫兹波辐射强度高。 Objective:The terahertz wave characteristics of the original acupoints of twelve meridians were studied.Methods:The terahertz waves radiated from the original acupoints of twelve meridians of 60 healthy college students were detected and analyzed by using terahertz technology.Results:The maximum mean value of the mean curve of the hand original acupoint frequency was 0.0069,the maximum mean value of the upper limit curve of the frequency was 0.0094,and the minimum mean value of the lower limit curve of the frequency was-0.00016;the maximum mean value of the mean curve of the foot original acupoint frequency was 0.0047,the maximum mean value of the upper limit curve of the frequency was 0.0073,and the minimum mean value of the lower limit curve of the frequency was-0.00029.The terahertz radiation of Shenmen acupoint(HT 7),Hegu acupoint(LI 4) and Daling acupoint(PC 7) was higher than that of Yangchi acupoint(SJ 4),Wangu acupoint(SI 4) and Taiyuan acupoint(LU 9),while that of Chongyang acupoint(ST 42) and Qiuxu acupoint(GB 40) in foot acupoint was the highest,and that of Taixi acupoint(KI 3) and Jinggu acupoint(BL 64) was the lowest.The original acupoints of the twelve meridians all had obvious peaks in the five bands of 2.60-2.68 THz band,2.73-2.84 THz band,2.84-2.92 THz band,2.92-3.08 THz band and 3.10-3.20 THz band,and the highest values of the three curves in all medical reference range curves were located at the frequency of 3.01 THz.Conclusion:There are differences between the upper and lower limit of the medical reference range of the corresponding radiation intensity of each frequency on the THz radiation curve of different acupoints.The terahertz radiation intensity of the original hand acupoint is higher than that of the foot acupoint.
作者 章文春 张舟南 刘建城 邵文祥 ZHANG Wen-chun;ZHANG Zhou-nan;LIU Jian-cheng;SHAO Wen-xiang(Jiangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanchang 330004,China;Ningbo Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Ningbo 315010,China)
出处 《中华中医药杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期4413-4417,共5页 China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacy
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.81960827) 江西省教育厅科技项目(No.GJJ211203)。
关键词 经络平衡 原穴 太赫兹波 医学参考值 人体之气 Main and collateral channels balance Original acupoint Terahertz wave Medical reference value Qi of human body
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