

A Study of the Educational Ideas of Private Universities in Japan
摘要 日本私立大学数量约占日本大学总数的四分之三,就读学生人数约占学生总数的80%,在日本高等教育的布局中占有着较大的比重。这种格局的形成有其战前的历史渊源,也受到战后日本社会多方面因素的共同影响。庆应义塾大学和早稻田大学这两所“私立双雄”,代表了传统私塾和法律学校向现代转型的过程,对日本国民整体的塑造功能非常明显。二战结束后,特别是20世纪60年代以来,日本私立大学迎来了蓬勃发展期,大量私立大学得到创办,招生人数也逐步增多。日本政府对私立大学的发展方向进行了调整,其中包括加强私立大学与地方的联系,突出私立大学的实学取向。现在,日本绝大多数私立大学已经不再追求“大而全”的办学格局,转而追求“小而精”的办学风格,从而和国立、公立大学形成了差序办学格局。中国民办高校的发展可以从中获得相当多的借鉴,其中最重要的就是要让民办高校与公立高校构建起一个差序而稳定的办学格局,从而促成其各自健康地发展,同时应当吸取日本的经验,预防转型期出现的一些问题。 The number of private universities in Japan accounts for three-fourths of the total of universities in Japan, and the number of their enrolled students accounts for about 80 percent of the students in the country, occupying a large proportion of the higher education in Japan.The formation of this pattern has its historical origins before the war and has been influenced by a combination of factors in postwar Japanese society.Baptized by the tide of the times, the Japanese private duo Keio University and Waseda University represent the transformation process of traditional private schools and law schools, and their function in shaping the Japanese nation as a whole is very obvious.After the Second World War, Japan, especially since the 1960 s, witnessed a period of booming private universities, with a large number of private universities being founded and absorbing a growing number of students.However, in terms of the private-university development direction, the Japanese government has made some adjustments like enforcing their connection with the local community, which emphasizes their orientation of practical learning.Nowadays, the vast majority of private universities in Japan have no longer pursued a “big and comprehensive” management philosophy, and turn to pursue a style of being “small and excellent”.As a result, this has formed a differential pattern with the national universities and public universities.The development of private colleges and universities in China can learn a lot from it.The most important experience is to make private colleges and universities and public universities build up a stable system of different orientations to promote their healthy development respectively.But at the same time, it is supposed to learn from their lesson and prevent some problems arising in the transformation period.
作者 刘幸 姜星海 LIU Xing;JIANG Xinghai(Faculty of Education,BNU,Beijing 100875,China)
出处 《北京师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期60-65,共6页 Journal of Beijing Normal University(Social Sciences)
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“民办高校高质量发展模式与平台构建研究”(72174030)。
关键词 私立大学 日本大学 大学办学理念 校训 private universities universities in Japan educational ideas of university university mottos
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