
Platelet-rich plasma application in diabetic ulcers:A review

摘要 There are 422 million diabetic people in the world.25%of these individuals are diagnosed with diabetic foot ulcer(DFU).20%of patients with DFU will suffer amputation of the lower limbs.Following amputation procedures,the mortality rate of patients is over 70%in 5 years.Diabetes has no cure and,therefore,treatment aims to prevent and treat its complications.Autologous platelet-rich plasma(PRP)has been shown to be a therapeutic tool for many types of disorders,including the treatment of DFU.This manuscript aims to carry out a review to provide more knowledge about the efficacy and safety of autologous PRP for wound closure in patients with DFU.The majority of studies included in this review state that PRP promotes improvement of DFU lesions by accelerating tissue healing processes.However,many studies have a small sample size and thus require larger sample range in order to improve robustness of data in the literature.
出处 《World Journal of Dermatology》 2022年第1期1-9,共9页 世界皮肤病学杂志
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