

Research on theLaw of Entrepreneurial Opportunity Identification Based on Dual-Process Theory
摘要 创业者究竟是如何进行创业机会识别的?首先对国内外相关研究成果进行了梳理;然后以双过程理论为基础,归纳出人类的一般认知模式,并据此提出了研究假设;最后采用多案例实证研究方法探究了创业机会识别规律。研究发现:快速识别创业机会的机理是系统1调用通过创业学习获取的已有创业知识或经验;慢速识别创业机会的机理是系统2进行创业学习建构新的创业知识或经验的过程;当没有通过系统2的创业学习建构起相关的创业知识或经验供系统1调用时,主体无法识别创业机会;成功的创业体验是获得创业自我效能的唯一路径,单一的创业自我效能缺乏对创业行动的解释力;机会识别应该遵循人事匹配的基本原则。 How do entrepreneurs identify entrepreneurial opportunities?Firstly,this paper combs the relevant research results.Then,based on the dual-process theory,this paper summarizes the general human cognitive model and puts forward the research hypothesis.Finally,the multi case empirical research method is used to explore the law of entrepreneurial opportunity identification.It is found that the mechanism of rapid identification is that the system 1 calls the existing entrepreneurial knowledge or experience.The mechanism of slow identification is the process of system 2 constructing new entrepreneurial knowledge or experience.When there is no relevant entrepreneurial knowledge or experience constructed through entrepreneurial learning of system 2 for system 1 to call,the subject cannot identify entrepreneurial opportunities.Successful entrepreneurial experience is the only way to obtain entrepreneurial self-efficacy and a single entrepreneurial self-efficacy lacks the explanatory power of entrepreneurial action.Opportunity identification should follow the basic principle of personnel matching.
作者 曹之然 Cao Zhiran(School of Business,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252000,China)
机构地区 聊城大学商学院
出处 《科技创业月刊》 2022年第7期10-17,共8页 Journal of Entrepreneurship in Science & Technology
基金 聊城大学社会科学基金项目“基于双系统理论的创业机会识别模式研究”(321020130)。
关键词 创业机会 机会识别 双过程理论 案例研究 Entrepreneurial Opportunities Opportunity Identification Dual-Process Theory Case Study
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