
晚熟甜樱桃新品种晚蜜露的选育 被引量:1

Breeding report of a new late-ripening sweet cherry cultivar Wanmilu
摘要 晚蜜露是由河北省农林科学院昌黎果树研究所选育的晚熟型甜樱桃新品种,该品种是通过对甜樱桃Stella自然授粉获得的实生种子进行胚抢救获得。该品种果个大,平均单果质量10.92 g,最大单果质量可达14.2 g;果实呈心形,果皮紫红色,有光泽,缝合线不明显,果顶平,果柄细长;果肉呈红色,肉厚多汁,可食率达94.7%,肉质较硬,果实去皮硬度为2.18 kg·cm^(-2),耐贮运;果实风味甜,可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)为18.12%,可溶性糖含量为11.0%,可滴定酸含量为0.46%,鲜食品质上等;丰产、稳产性好,抗逆性强。在河北省秦皇岛和唐山地区果实发育期为62 d左右,6月中旬成熟。目前,该品种在河北省樱桃适栽区已进行栽培,并在向更广阔的区域推广栽培。 Wanmilu is a newly released late-ripening sweet cherry cultivar, which was selected by embryo rescue from the naturally pollinated seeds of sweet cherry Stella at the Changli Institute of Pomology, Hebe Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science. In 2002, over 670 seedling seeds of Stella were collected through natural pollination, among which 510 hybrid seedlings were obtained using embryo rescue technology in 2003. Among them, ST793 was first selected in 2008 for its big fruit size, hard flesh and sweet flavor. Regional adaptability tests were performed in Changli, Laoting and Luannan counties in Hebei province from 2012 to 2017. The results were good, and it was finally examined, approved and named as Wanmilu in 2020. The trees of Wanmilu are moderately vigorous, with high bud break rate and branch development capability. Annual shoots are brown. The average length of annual shoots is 100 cm and the internode length is 4.7 cm. Leaves are elongated ellipsoid, acute apex with small biserrate margin. There are 1-4 flowers within each inflorescence. The flower is white, and the relative position of petals(5-6) is overlapped, petals are oblate in shape, and stamens are slightly higher than pistil with more pollen grains. The fruit of Wanmilu is heart-shaped, covered with purplish red, and the surface is glossy. The average fruit mass is 9.2 g and up to 14.2 g for the maximum one. The fruit flesh of Wanmilu is red, crisp, thick, juicy and sweet. The fruit quality of Wanmilu is excellent with sweet taste, the soluble solids content is 18.12%, the soluble sugar content is 11.0%, the titratable acid content is 0.46%, and the peeled flesh firmness is 2.18 kg · cm^(-2). The first flowering date of Wanmilu is in early April, the fruit can be harvested in mid-June, and the fruit development period is about 62 d in Changli area, Hebei province. In general, grafted seedlings will bloom and bear fruit in the third year after planted, and reach full fruit period in the fifth year. The yield of quinquennial and septennial grafted plants is 705.0 kg and 830.0 kg per 666.7 m2, respectively. Wanmilu has a wide adaptability, it has better stress resistance, such as strong barren tolerance, cold resistance, resistance to leaf spot disease and early defoliation disease. For cultivation techniques, the spacing between trees and between rows is(2-3) m × 5 m, and summer pruning should be emphasized for balancing tree vigor and promoting fruit.Wanmilu is a good cultivar and suitable for planting inside the Hebei area, and was certified(Register No: Ji S-SV-CA-015-2020) by the Evaluation Committees of Hebei Province in 2020.
作者 李玉生 吴雅琴 程和禾 陈龙 吴永杰 郭勇 李友刚 赵艳华 LI Yusheng;WU Yaqin;CHENG Hehe;CHEN Long;WU Yongjie;GUO Yong;LI Yougang;ZHAO Yanhua(Changli Institute of Pomology,Hebei Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Science,Changli 066600,Hebei,China)
出处 《果树学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第9期1725-1728,共4页 Journal of Fruit Science
基金 河北省现代种业科技创新专项(21326310D) 河北省现代农业产业技术体系苹果创新团队樱桃(山楂)岗(HBCT2021100214) 河北省农林科学院科技创新专项(2022KJCXZX-CGS-5)。
关键词 甜樱桃 新品种 晚蜜露 晚熟 抗逆 Sweet cherry New cultivar Wanmilu Late-ripening Stress resistance
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