
太阳能光热实验建筑外围护结构的艺术表现方法研究 被引量:1

A Study on an Artistic Expression Method of an Experimental Building’s Envelope Integrated with Solar Collectors
摘要 缺少兼具多功能性和美学效果的太阳能建筑一体化构件是太阳能建筑发展的障碍之一。为探索一种通用的丰富太阳能集热器美学效果的方法,本研究建造了一座太阳能光热实验建筑。通过在与建筑外围护结构一体化的太阳能集热器玻璃盖板上的半色调涂装,模仿其他建筑外饰面材料的视觉效果,并通过运行测试和主观评价验证外围护结构的功能和视觉效果。运行测试结果表明,外围护结构中的太阳能集热器不仅能提供一定量的生活热水,还能通过蓄热墙模式和夜间保温模式降低建筑的采暖能耗。问卷调查和专家评价打分结果表明,盖板上的涂装表现出了一定的视觉效果,并验证了三条艺术表现策略:形状特征优先、以明暗对比为主、兼顾观察距离和角度。本研究是太阳能建筑的一次技术与艺术相结合的大胆尝试,为促进太阳能建筑一体化发展提供了新的思路。 Building envelope integrated with solar collectors can provide domestic hot water and space heating to reduce building energy consumption,which is a development trend of building.The appearance of solar collectors is generally black or dark blue,which is difficult to integrate with some architectural styles.At present,there are few studies on the appearance modification of solar collectors,and some modification methods lead to the serious decline of thermal collecting performance.The lack of building components integrated with solar collectors with multi-function and aesthetic effects is one of the barriers of the development of solar buildings.Therefore,it is necessary to explore a general method to enrich the appearance of solar collectors,so that the solar collectors can be integrated with a variety of architectural styles on the premise of maintaining a high thermal collecting performance.Due to its flat shape and simple structure,the flat-plate solar collector is easy to be integrated with building envelope,and its cover plate can become a canvas for artistic expression.This paper proposes to change the appearance of flat-plate solar collector by color coating on the cover plate,which provides a new idea for the development of building integrated with solar thermal system.In this study,an experimental building based on northern folk houses was designed and constructed.The building envelopes including walls and roofs were integrated with the flat-plate solar collectors,whose cover plates were coated by sprayed “dot matrix”.The coating on the south roof is mainly red,imitating the effect of the asphalt roofing shingle.The coating on the lower wall of the south window is mainly yellow,imitating the effect of the exterior brick.The east and west gable walls are coated in grey,imitating the effect of mortar plastering.The imitation effect of painting on the appearance of northern folk houses was evaluated by questionnaire survey and expert scoring.The solar collector in the envelope of the experimental building has three operating modes:water heater mode,thermal storage wall mode and night insulation mode.The water heater mode means that the solar collector is in normal operation during the day to provide hot water.In the thermal storage wall mode,the solar collector shuts down during the day in winter and stores the solar radiant heat with the wall behind the absorber plate.The night insulation mode means that the low temperature hot water flows in the absorber plate at night in winter to cut off the heat loss through the envelope and provide active insulation for the building.The thermal performance and energy saving effect of the above three modes investigated by test.The test results of the experimental building show that the water heater mode of the building envelope integrated with solar thermal system can provide sufficient domestic hot water for an average home.The thermal storage wall mode can greatly increase the temperature of the wall,and the heat stored in the wall can continue to provide indoor heating after the end of solar irradiation,reducing heating energy consumption.The night insulation mode can reduce the heat loss of the wall and reduce the heating energy consumption by about 8%.The tests demonstrated the multifunctionality of the building envelope integrated with solar collectors.The results of questionnaire survey and expert scoring affirm that the color coating on the cover plate eliminates the distinctive feature of the solar collectors,making the experimental building look not special.The comparison of the imitation effect of the three parts shows that the coating effect of the breast of the experimental building is the most recognized,followed by the coating effect of the roof,and the coating effect of the east and west walls is not recognized.Three performance strategies to imitate the effects of other exterior finishes with painting have been verified,namely,shape features are given priority,contrast between light and shade is given priority,and viewing distance and viewing angle are taken into account.To sum up,the coating on the cover plate can enrich the appearance of the flat-plate solar collector and make it easy to integrate with building.Although the performance of the flat-plate solar collector is decreased due to the influence of coating,the integration of the flat-plate solar collector with the building improves the thermal insulation performance of the building envelope and achieves the energy-saving effect.The artistic expression method of building envelope integrated with solar collectors can promote the development of solar building.
作者 李成一 王一平 尹宝泉 LI Chengyi;WANG Yiping;YIN Baoquan
出处 《西部人居环境学刊》 CSCD 2022年第4期101-107,共7页 Journal of Human Settlements in West China
基金 河北省重点研发计划项目(21374502D)。
关键词 太阳能建筑 外围护结构 艺术表现 模仿 视觉效果 Solar Building Building Envelope Artistic Expression Imitation Visual Effect
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