

The Generative Logic, Basic Connotation and Practical Path of the Fighting Spirit of the Communist Party of China
摘要 深刻把握中国共产党斗争精神的生成逻辑、基本内涵和实践路径,是永葆斗争精神、坚定斗争意志、增强斗争本领的必然要求。马克思恩格斯的无产阶级革命斗争理论、旧中国封建制度的禁锢及西方列强的入侵、中国革命、建设和改革的伟大实践,是中国共产党斗争精神生成的逻辑理路。在长期的斗争实践中,中国共产党形成了一种直面矛盾、迎接挑战的斗争风骨,塑造了一种坚定立场、坚持正义的斗争气节和勇于担当、干事创业的斗争胆魄。广大党员干部要以严格的思想淬炼坚定斗争意志,以严格的政治历练增强斗争底气,以严格的实践锻炼提高斗争本领,不断为民族复兴凝聚力量。 Profoundly grasping the generative logic, basic connotation and practical path of the CPC’s fighting spirit is an inevitable requirement for always maintaining the fighting spirit, strengthening the fighting will and enhancing the fighting ability.Marx and Engels’ theory of proletarian revolutionary struggle, the imprisonment of the feudal system in old China and the invasion of Western powers, and the great practice of Chinese revolution, construction and reform are the logic of the generation of the fighting spirit of the Communist Party of China. In the long-term practice of struggle, the CPC has formed a style of facing contradictions and challenges directly, and has shaped an integrity of taking a firm stand and upholding justice, as well as a courage of being brave in taking responsibilities and doing pioneering work. The majority of Party members and cadres should harden their will to fight with strict ideology, strengthen their fighting confidence with strict political experience, improve their fighting ability with strict practice, and constantly pool strength for the rejuvenation of the nation.
作者 陈兴明 CHEN Xing-ming(School of Marxism,Guizhou Medical University,Guiyang,Guizhou,550025)
出处 《泰山学院学报》 2022年第4期53-59,共7页 Journal of Taishan University
基金 贵州医科大学2020年思想政治理论课教改项目“雨课堂混合式教学模式在《马克思主义基本原理概论》课中的应用研究”(JG202002)阶段性成果。
关键词 中国共产党 斗争精神 生成逻辑 基本内涵 实践路径 the Communist Party of China the fighting spirit generative logic basic connotation practical path
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