

Issues for attention in the diagnosis and management of actue athletic injuries of foot and ankle
摘要 急性足踝部运动损伤可能累及骨性结构、韧带及肌腱组织, 多以不同程度的肿胀、疼痛及活动受限为主要表现, 因其无明显特异性, 易造成患者及医师的忽视。部分急性足踝部运动损伤表现隐匿, 常规影像学检查可能无法明确诊断, 具有一定的漏诊及误诊率, 通常需要结合详细的专科体检及影像学检查方可明确诊断。急性足踝部运动损伤一旦漏诊或误诊, 易导致慢性关节不稳、骨软骨损伤、关节撞击甚至创伤性关节炎等并发症, 严重影响患者的生活质量。因此, 笔者探讨急性足踝部运动损伤诊治中需要注意的问题, 以提高此类损伤的疗效。 Acute athletic injuries of foot and ankle may involve bony structures,ligaments and tendons,and most patients manifest as various degrees of swelling,pain and limited motion.Lacking of specificity,the injuries can be easily overlooked by the patients and even by the doctors.Furthermore,the diagnosis can not be confirmed in a portion of the injuries via a routine radiographic examination due to their obscurity,leading to a certain rate of tmiss diagnosis and misdiagnosis,which can be clarified by a detailed specialized physical and radiographic examination.For acute athletic injuries of foot and ankle,the miss diagnosis or misdiagnosis may lead to complications such as chronic joint instability,osteochondral lesion,impingement,and even post-traumatic arthritis,which severely impacts the patients′life quality.Therefore,the authors discuss the issues requiring attention in the diagnosis and management of acute athletic injuries of foot and ankle to improve the clinical outcome of such pattern of injuries.
作者 顾文奇 施忠民 Gu Wenqi;Shi Zhongmin(Department of Orthopedics,Shanghai Sixth People′s Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University,Shanghai 200233,China)
出处 《中华创伤杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第8期681-685,共5页 Chinese Journal of Trauma
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC2001504)。
关键词 踝损伤 运动损伤 关节镜检查 关节不稳定性 Ankle injuries Athletic injuries Arthroscopy Joint instability
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