
研究型大学本科课程体系与结构的变革 被引量:15

The Reform of Undergraduate Curriculum and Its Structure in Research Universities
摘要 进入高等教育普及化时代,招生规模的扩大与就业压力的激增,客观上要求本科教育的定位不得不做新的调整,由面向少数人的特权向更多人的权利过渡。因此,尊重本科生的学习选择权利,增强其专业与课程学习的社会适应性,强化培养方案与课程结构的弹性,满足学生个性化、多样性与差别化发展,是当前本科教育改革的基本方向。结合欧美本科教育课程体系的比较,发现我国本科教育存在学分要求总量大、课程门数过多、内容庞杂现象,导致学生学习匆忙而又浅尝辄止。而且,因为培养方案相对单一、课程体系与结构过于刚性,压缩了学生专业与课程学习自主选择的空间。专业教育口径过窄问题依旧存在,不同模块与专业方向的选择余地有限,弱化了学生面向社会职业环境变化的适应性。为此,压缩本科课程总量要求,弱化课程体系的统一性与课程结构的刚性,进一步丰富课程与项目资源,增强学籍管理及相关政策制度的弹性,为学生自主选择留置空间并提供多元发展通道,应是当前本科课程体系与结构变革的基本策略,也是保障学生学习自由权利和强化个体责任担当意识、落实以学生为中心理念的根本。 In the era of higher education popularization,expanded college enrollments and the rapidly increased employment pressure require the adjustment of the positioning of undergraduate education by not offering privileges to a small number of elites but giving the rights to more people. Therefore,the current reform of undergraduate education tends to respect undergraduates’ right to choose their learning,make their specialized courses more socially adaptable,and make training programs and curriculum structures more flexible so as to cater to their needs for personalized,diversified and differentiated development. A comparative analysis of the undergraduate education curriculum in Europe and the United States implies the problems in China’s undergraduate education,such as the excessive total credits and academic courses,which lead to students’ hurried and superficial learning. Also,homogeneous training programs and the rigid curriculum system reduce students’ freedom to choose their own specialties and courses;the remaining problems of their narrow specialized courses and limited choice of learning modules make them fail to adapt to the social and occupational environments. Therefore,we can adopt some basic strategies to reform the current undergraduate curriculum system and structure,such as reducing the total courses,weakening the unified curriculum system and its rigid structure,enriching the curriculum and training program resources,and making the student management system and related policies more flexible to offer more space and channels to students in their independent choice of development. This will help fundamentally guarantee their freedom of learning,strengthen their awareness of individual responsibilities,and practice the student-centered idea.
作者 阎光才 Yan Guangcai(Faculty of Education,East China Normal University,Shanghai 200062)
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第8期97-109,共13页 Educational Research
基金 中宣部全国文化名家暨“四个一批”人才工程资助项目“基于学生与学习变化的大学教师教与学的变革”的研究成果。
关键词 本科教育 课程要求 课程结构 多样化选择 undergraduate education curriculum requirements curriculum structure diverse choices
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