
贸易区域化背景下RCEP自然人流动条款研究 被引量:1

The Study on the Natural Person Mobility Clauses of RCEP in the Background of Trade Regionalization
摘要 近二十年来,区域贸易协定由于自身的角色优势成为世界范围内贸易管制的一个重要因素。在自然人跨境流动方面,区域贸易协定相对于GATS模式4条款在规则上进行了延伸发展,并促成了区域范围内缔约方相关承诺的动态演变。RCEP作为全球经贸规模最大的区域贸易协定,专设一章“自然人临时移动”,更进一步地实现了经济性跨境移徙机会的自由度与便利化。从规则设置与架构搭建角度来讲,区域贸易安排的成就是更好地平衡了跨境移徙自由化的利益与接受国移徙监管的风险,但同时存在便利化改进的空间。2019年末暴发的新冠肺炎疫情使得国际贸易遭遇前所未有的严重冲击,尤其是需要人员跨界存在的模式4更是受到了毁灭性影响。RCEP可在既有框架下促成区域内合作以应对因疫情而加剧的流动性壁垒带来的严峻挑战。以RCEP为代表的区域安排不仅为区域内人员流动的发展提供了重要的制度支持,而且对未来全球相关经贸规则的制定也具有深远的影响。 In the recent 20 years,regional trade agreements have become an important factor in world trade control for their own role advantages.In terms of cross-border movement of natural persons,regional trade agreements have extended and developed in terms of rules compared to GATS Mode 4 Provisions,and contributed to the dynamic evolution of relevant commitments of parties in the region.As the largest regional trade agreement in the world,RCEP has a special chapter,“Temporary Movement of Natural Persons”,which further realizes the freedom and facilitation of economic cross-border migration opportunities.From the perspective of rule setting and structure building,the achievement of RTAs is to better balance the benefits of cross-border migration liberalization and the risks of migration regulation in receiving countries,but there is also room for facilitation improvement.The COVID-19 pandernic outbroke in late 2019 has brought unprecedented impact on international trade,and it is even worse with the Mode 4 which requires a cross-border presence of personnel.RCEP can promote regional cooperation under the existing framework to meet the severe challenges posed by mobility barriers exacerbated by the epidemic.The regional arrangement represented by RCEP not only provides important institutional support for the development of personnel mobility in the region,but also has a far-reaching impact on the formulation of relevant global economic and trade rules in the future.
作者 马冉 MA Ran
机构地区 郑州大学法学院
出处 《湖南师范大学社会科学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期72-81,共10页 Journal of Social Science of Hunan Normal University
关键词 RCEP 自然人流动 自由化 便利化 新冠肺炎疫情 RCEP natural person mobility libralization facilitation COVID-19 pandemic
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