
形态类型学视角下亚马逊物流设施开发对周边区域土地利用的影响 被引量:2

Impact of Amazon Logistics Facility Development on Land Use in Surrounding Areas from the Perspective of Morphological Typology
摘要 近年来电子商务物流与仓储设施快速发展,不仅在供应链上打造了直接对接客户的服务中心和零售中心网络,也对区域和城市发展产生了重要影响。尽管很多研究从空间维度上分析了电商物流网络在国家和区域尺度上的影响,但是较少研究讨论电商物流设施开发在中微观尺度对土地利用的影响。本研究采取形态类型学方法,以全球最大的电子商务和物流平台亚马逊为例,以现有物流仓储设施周围1 km范围为基本研究单元,运用9个国家的谷歌地球卫星图像和谷歌街景,对348个不同的亚马逊物流项目开发前后的土地利用新增进行历时性分析,探讨亚马逊物流设施开发对当地土地利用的影响。研究发现:48%的亚马逊物流设施都分布在有集群特征的地区,还有3%、17%和32%分别分布在有分散特征的高密度、中密度和低密度地区;亚马逊率先进驻带动周边开发的项目占比为82%,另采取拆旧建新式开发的占18%。分析物流设施开发对周边用地的影响模式,有助于更好地制定物流规划和政策。 Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of e-commerce logistics and warehouses. This growth shifted the warehouses to future retail and direct-to-client fulfillment centers along the supply chain and significantly impacted regional and urban development. Although many studies have examined the spatial effects of e-commerce logistics networks at state and regional scales, few were at the micro-scale. To fill this gap, with the case of Amazon, the largest e-commerce giant globally, this paper aims to reveal how e-commerce fulfillment centers interact with local land use. With the image data of Google Earth satellite images and Google Street View, the morphological typology approach was employed to investigate the land use pattern transformation before and after the investment of Amazon logistics projects. The neighborhood units with a one km radius and a center of each Amazon logistics center were used as the primary research unit. In total, 348 projects from nine countries were analyzed in this research. The results show that 48% of amazon facilities were situated in logistics clusters, while 3%、17% and 32% were respectively located in high-density、mid-density and low-density areas. There were 82% of the local clusters where the Amazon led the development of the surrounding areas to drive the development of these areas, and 18% were redeveloped after demolishing old buildings. Analyzing the impacts of logistics facility development on neighborhood land use could benefit making appropriate logistics planning and policy implementation.
作者 查图拉·科维达·德席尔瓦 廖静莹 杨泞溪 Chathura Kovida De Silva;Liao Jingying;Yang Ningxi
出处 《国际城市规划》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期12-19,共8页 Urban Planning International
关键词 形态类型学 亚马逊 电子商务物流 物流设施开发 空间模式 土地利用 Morphological Typology Amazon E-commerce Logistics Development of Logistics Facilities Spatial Mode Land Use
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