
新时代民族地区中小学文化传承与交融创新路径探究 被引量:4

Exploration on the Cultural Inheritance and Integration Innovation Path of Primary and Secondary Schools in Ethnic Areas in the New Era
摘要 民族地区中小学传承中华文化不仅是铸牢中华民族共同体意识教育的重要文化基础,也是学校实现文化育人的重要途径。中华文化是各民族共同创造、共同拥有和共同传承的宝贵精神财富,少数民族文化是中华文化不可或缺的重要组成部分。新时代背景下,积极构建以中华文化为主体的各民族文化兼收并蓄、交融创新的学校文化传承模式,成为实现民族地区中小学文化传承和发展的必然选择。基于民族地区中小学传承中华文化的时代使命和价值选择,分析民族地区中小学文化传承创新面临的现实困境与问题,提出构建“四位一体”的教育体系和安全优质的文化教育平台以抵御网络负面影响,拓展中华文化资源以实现学校文化内涵交融创新,把握文化育人的内在联系性以提升学校文化传承模式创新,构建校际文化交流互鉴联盟并发挥高校参与研究和指导职能等实践路径。 Inheriting Chinese culture in primary and secondary schools in ethnic areas is not only an important cultural construction foundation for the common consciousness education of the Chinese nation, but also an important way to realize cultural education.Chinese culture is a precious spiritual wealth jointly created, owned and inherited by all ethnic groups, and ethnic cultures are indispensable parts of Chinese culture.Under the background of the new era, it has become an inevitable choice to realize the cultural inheritance and development of primary and secondary schools through actively constructing school culture inheritance model dominated by integrating all ethnic cultures and integrating innovations. Based on the mission and value choice of inheriting Chinese culture in primary and secondary schools in ethnic areas, the article makes analysis on the practical difficulties and problems faced by cultural inheritance and innovation in primary and secondary schools in ethnic areas, and proposed the “four-in-one” education system and a safe and high-quality cultural education platform to resist the negative impact of the Internet. The article also proposed to expand Chinese cultural resources to realize the integration and innovation of school cultural connotation, grasp the internal connection of cultural education to enhance the innovation of school cultural inheritance mode, build the inter-school cultural exchange and mutual learning alliance, and fully activate universities to participate in research and providing guiding functions.
作者 白红梅 韩萍 BAI Hong-mei;HAN Ping(School of Education Science,Inner Mongolia Minzu University,Tongliao,Inner Mongolia 028043)
出处 《民族教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期122-128,共7页 Journal of Research on Education for Ethnic Minorities
基金 2018年度国家社科重点项目“新中国成立以来内蒙古双语教育实践与改革发展研究”(项目编号:18AMZ013) 内蒙古民族教育与心理发展研究基地 2021年内蒙古民族大学研究生科研计划项目(项目编号:NMDSS2192)的阶段性成果。
关键词 民族地区学校 文化传承 中华文化 少数民族文化 schools in ethnic areas cultural inheritance Chinese culture ethnic culture
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