
政策工具视角下科研机构开放科学政策文本量化分析与启示 被引量:10

Quantitative Analysis and Enlightenment on Open Science Policy Texts in Scientific Research Institutions from the Perspective of Policy Tools
摘要 [目的/意义]对代表性科研机构的开放科学政策进行文本分析,有助于为中国科研机构制定总体性开放科学政策,自下而上推进开放科学实践提供理论参考。[方法/过程]本文运用内容分析法,基于政策工具视角,对国外科研机构发布的12份开放科学政策文本进行量化分析,揭示政策工具使用偏好和政策内容关注重点,提炼科研机构开放科学政策中的关键要素,提出使用政策工具制定机构层面开放科学政策的优化策略,最后结合国外政策内容和制定经验提出对中国科研机构制定开放科学政策的启示。[结果/结论]科研机构开放科学政策工具的使用应优化组合配置、加强内部均衡性、充分利用差异性。科研机构在制定和实施开放科学政策时,需融入国际潮流,保障政策前瞻性;优化组织结构,统筹推进开放科学;明确政策的核心要素,抓住关键问题;以及保障经费的持续投入并适时动态调整。 [Purpose/Significance]At present,there is relatively little research on the open science(OS)policy at the level of scientific research institutions in China,while some preliminary explorations have been made abroad.The text analysis of OS policies of representative scientific research institutions and lessons drawn from their policy making experience can provide a good reference for the formulation of OS policies by Chinese scientific research institutions.It gives play to the main role of scientific research institutions in the OS process,and promotes the practice of OS from bottom to top.[Method/Process]Based on the perspective of policy tools,this paper uses the content analysis method to conduct quantitative analysis on 12 OS policy texts published by international scientific research institutions.It establishes an X-Y two-dimensional analysis framework for OS policy of scientific research institutions.The content analysis categories are as follows:policy instrument dimension(X dimension)-authority,incentive,symbol and exhortation,capacity building,and system change;OS content factor dimension(Y dimension)-open content,open process,open infrastructure,and open cooperation.This paper carries out research through the X-Y two-dimensional analysis framework,aiming to reveal the use of policy tool preferences and policy content focus on the tendency,refining the key factors of research institutions'OS policy,putting forward the policy tool optimization strategy and providing insights into Chinese scientific research institutions in formulating OS policies.[Results/Conclusions]From the dimension of policy tools,capacity building tools are more used,followed by authority tools,and other policy tools are less used.From the dimension of OS content elements,the eight themes of open data,open access,OS education and training,open cooperation,open evaluation,open infrastructure,open incentive and citizen science are the main concerns in the OS policies issued by international research institutions.The use of OS policy tools in scientific research institutions should coordinate with each other,optimize the combination of policy tools;try to solve the actual problems,strengthen the internal balance of policy tools;adjust measures to local conditions and make full use of differences in policy tools.In formulating OS policies,scientific research institutions should further integrate themselves into the international OS tide,understand the development trend,and ensure the forward-looking of policies;adjust and optimize the organizational structure,clarify the division of responsibilities,and promote open scientific practice in an overall way;the core elements and key issues of OS policies should be grasped when formulating policies;and in the process of policy formulation and implementation,they should ensure the investment of funds,as well as timely dynamic adjustment.
作者 王译晗 初景利 WANG Yihan;CHU Jingli(National Science Library,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190;Department of Library,Information and Archives Management,School of Economics and Management,University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100190)
出处 《农业图书情报学报》 2022年第7期39-52,共14页 Journal of Library and Information Science in Agriculture
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“新时代我国文献信息资源保障体系重构研究”(19ZDA345)。
关键词 开放科学 开放科学政策 科研机构 政策工具 open science(OS) open science policy scientific research institution policy tools
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