国家铁路局发布新版《铁路建设项目预可行性研究、可行性研究和设计文件编制办法》(TB 10504—2018),自2019年1月1日起实施。新办法在2007年发布实施的《铁路建设项目预可行性研究、可行性研究和设计文件编制办法》的基础上,全面总结了近年来我国铁路特别是高速铁路建设实践经验和设计文件编制经验,进一步规范了铁路建设项目决策、实施各阶段设计文件的组成与内容,明确了设计深度要求,是指导铁路工程建设项目设计文件编制的基础性文件。新办法的发布实施对提高铁路勘察设计质量和水平、加强铁路建设安全质量、提升铁路服务品质、促进铁路高质量发展具有十分重要的意义。
National Railway Administration of People′s Republic of China issued the latest edition of For-mulation Method of Pre-feasibility Study,Feasibility Study and Design Documents of Railway Con-struction Projects(TB 10504—2018)which has been implemented since January 1st,2019.The latest method,a revision of the Formulation Method of Pre-feasibility Study,Feasibility Study and Design Documents of Railway Construction Projects issued and implemented in 2007,has summarized the experience of Chinese railway in recent years,especially the practical experience of high-speed railway construction and formulation experience of design documents,in a comprehensive way and further regulated the composition and content of the design documents in various stages of decision-making and implementation of railway construction projects.It has clarified the design depth requirements.
Railway Technical Standard(Chinese & English)