In Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts in 1844, Marx(hereinafter referred to as Manuscripts), through the analysis of alienated labor under the capitalist system, deeply reflected on the general poverty of the working class in the primary stage of capitalist society, and revealed the anti-human nature and anti-natural nature of the capitalist system for us. The impoverishment of workers includes both material impoverishment and spiritual impoverishment. In Manuscript, Marx reveals the exploitative nature and anti-natural institutional attribute of capitalist society by analyzing the social aesthetic poverty caused by labor alienation in capitalist society, which leads to the spiritual alienation of people in the early stage of the development of the whole capitalist society. Capitalist society often controls nature by exploiting people, which in turn deepens the exploitation and squeezing of workers through nature. The poverty of the working class caused by capitalist society also makes nature fall into an extremely ugly state;Workers live in the gutter of civilization, while nature is in a barren embarrassment. Therefore, the reflection and criticism of aesthetic poverty in capitalist society should not only focus on the freedom of the working class itself, but also pay attention to the liberation of nature itself. If alienated labor is difficult to eliminate, the poverty of aesthetics will be difficult to completely change;Only when it develops to the Communist stage can human beings realize real freedom and nature be completely liberated.
Zhang Zicheng(College of Liberal Arts,Inner Mongolia Normal University,Hohhot,Inner Mongolia 010022)
Journal of Language and Literature Studies