The six-month Outstanding Performing Arts for "Welcoming the 20CPC National Congress" will last until December.The national operas Country.Home and Ma Xiangyang’s Journey to the Countryside,the drama An Honored Family,the modern Beijing operas Shajiabang,A zalea Mountain and The Red Lantern,the national concert National Style and Elegance,the symphonies Wind in May and Qindao Imagination,the Lyu opera All Rivers Flow into the East Sea,the small theater drama You Who Have Left,Children’s dramas Sun Xiaoshe ng Wreaking Havoc in Heaven,Craftsman Lu Ban,Fisher Boy Haiwa,etc.are performed on stage,with the songs of praise like poems,the beautiful dance like paintings,and the rhyme and rhythm melodious.The 17 plays staged during the season has brought the audiences audio-visual feasts and also spiritual purification.