On December 6,2021,“破防”was picked by China's National Language Resources Monitoring and Research Center as one of the Top Expressions on the Internet in 2021.Coincidentally,the phrase also made its way into the top ten buzzwords by Yaowen Jiaozi,China's only language magazine featuring linguistic nuances and error correction.“破防”was also chosen by Bilibili,the most popular Chinese video sharing website among young people,as its top expression of the year.“破”,pronounced“pò”in Mandarin,describes how a thing becomes broken due to damage.Some typical phrases containing“破”include“破坏”(destruction),“破碎”(break up),“打破”(break down),and“突破”(break through).“防”,pronounced“fang”,originally describes a dyke,but its meaning has been extended to mean the use of precautions and defensive measures.“防”is frequently used in phrases such as“防暴”(antiriot),“防尘”(antidust),“提防”(guard against),and“国防”(national defense).
Confucius Institute