
共同体视域下的中华民族共同体建设 被引量:36

The Construction of Chinese National Community from the Perspective of Community
摘要 中华民族共同体是由“中华民族”与“共同体”两个词语复合构成,因此其理论话语构建应当从前者的自身特点与后者的固有属性两个层面结合推进。学界对中华民族共同体内涵的阐释正处于不断深化的进程之中,但真正从共同体的视域展开系统探究的文献仍然较为缺乏。共同体是一个在哲学、社会学、政治学等学科中都有着深刻理论内涵的概念术语,全面挖掘其内在蕴含的伦理、道德、价值、规则、情感、认同、秩序、安全、归属等要素,可以极大促进中华民族共同体建设。从中华民族的自身特点出发,中华民族共同体是一个政治共同体、文化共同体、历史共同体、社会共同体;而从共同体的固有属性出发,中华民族共同体则是一个价值共同体、情感共同体、利益共同体、身份共同体。在中华民族共同体的理论建构和实践推进过程中,既需要强调对联结纽带的巩固,也需要强调对基本需求的满足。归属与自由两种价值的张力、集体与个体关系的平衡、规模与嵌套带来的复杂性等共同体中固有的问题无疑会对中华民族共同体建设提出挑战,但也能带来一些全新的启示。共同体视域下的中华民族共同体建设思路,可以有效解决中华民族与共同体两者之间的理论衔接问题,并为相关领域实践工作提供新的启示和新的动力。 The Chinese national community is composed of two parts, i.e. the “Chinese nation” and “community”, so the construction of its theoretical discourse should be promoted from the both the characteristics of the Chinese nation and the inherent attributes of the community. The academic circle is making deepened analysis on the connotation explanation of the Chinese national community, yet there is still a lack of systematic exploration from the perspective of the community. Community is a conceptual term with profound theoretical connotation in philosophy, sociology, political science and other disciplines. To fully explore its internal elements of ethics, morality, value, rules, emotion, identity, order, security, belonging and etc. can make maximum attributes to the construction of the Chinese national community. From the perspective of its own characteristics of the Chinese nation, the Chinese nation community is a political community, a cultural community, a historical community and a social community. From the perspective of its inherent attributes of the community, the Chinese national community is a community of values, emotions, interests and identities. In the process of theoretical construction and practical advancement of the Chinese national community, it is necessary to emphasize both the consolidation of bonds and the satisfaction of basic needs. The inherent problems in the community, such as the tension of the two values of ownership and freedom, the balance between collective and individual relations, and the complexity brought by scale and nesting, will undoubtedly challenge the construction of the Chinese national community.However, it can also bring some new lessons for us to learn. The idea of the construction of the Chinese national community under the perspective of community that can effectively solve the theoretical connection between the Chinese nation and the community and provide new lessons to learn and new impetus for the practical work in related fields.
作者 郝亚明 HAO Ya-ming(Research Institute of Chinese National Communiy,Guizhou Minzu University,Cuiyang,Cuizhou 550025)
出处 《中央民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第4期24-33,共10页 Journal of Minzu University of China(Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金重点项目“打牢中华民族共同体思想基础制度安排与路径设计研究”(项目编号:20AZD026)的阶段性成果。
关键词 中华民族 价值共同体 情感共同体 利益共同体 身份共同体 Chinese nation community of values community of emotions community of interests community of identities
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