Ray Kurzweil thought that intelligent evolution was the most significant event during the long journey of the whole universe through two stages of natural evolution and technological evolution, and therein dwelt human brain intelligence and artificial intelligence respectively. In the meanwhile, the integration of human brain intelligence and artificial intelligence led to the emergence of Singularity. Ray Kurzweil regarded intelligence as substance and energy of somehow special-being, which was so special that it could even be transfused into objects, so that the stupid substances would develop up into their smart counterparts. Intelligence of the Earth was expanding among galaxies with the speed of light until the whole universe was filled up with intelligence, and when the universe was full enough it mutated to be Universal Awakening. And then intelligence would design and develop a new universe, and this led to the conclusion that intelligence was more powerful than the universe. He pointed out that the final goal of artificial intelligence was the pursuit of spirit, and the development of artificial intelligence therefore was the cause of spirit, which conduced to our reflection on the spiritual essence of the substantial world. All of the opinions of Ray Kurzweil mentioned above were the philosophical imaginations of intelligent survival. The intelligent survival of human beings came after natural survival and technological survival, which was highly dependent on artificial intelligence items as well as artificial intelligence technology. According to Kurzweil, artificial intelligence was superior to human brain intelligence, and the proportion of their contribution to social development marked a new milestone of social progress.
LIN Dehong(The Philosophy Department,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210023,China)
Journal of Donghua University:Social Science
Ray Kurzweil
artificial intelligence philosophy
intelligent survival