
鸡皮肤毛囊生长差异基因的生物信息学分析 被引量:1

Bioinformatics Analysis of Differential Genes of Skin Feather Follicles in Chickens
摘要 【目的】筛选鸡胚胎早期发育期间背部皮肤上皮和间充质中调控毛囊生长的关键基因、生物过程和信号通路,为了解鸡胚胎早期发育期间毛囊生长的分子机制提供参考。【方法】从GEO数据库中下载基因芯片GSE62882数据集,采用R语言limma包对数据集进行差异分析,分别筛选出胚胎期第7和9天皮肤上皮和间充质差异基因以及皮肤上皮和间充质共同上下调基因,通过STRING在线数据库对差异基因和共同上下调基因进行蛋白互作网络分析,用Cytoscape 3.8.2软件进行可视化,运用R语言中的clusterProfiler程序包对差异基因和共同上下调基因进行GO功能和KEGG通路富集分析。【结果】皮肤上皮在胚胎期第7和9天共筛选出626个差异基因,获得189条相互作用关系、10个生物过程和4条信号通路;皮肤间充质在胚胎期第7和9天共筛选出690个差异基因,获得326条相互作用关系、10个生物过程和3条信号通路;皮肤上皮和间充质在胚胎期第7和9天共同上调基因26个,共同下调基因48个,共同上下调基因存在34条相互作用关系,主要富集在Wnt信号通路上。【结论】本研究从鸡胚胎期第7和9天皮肤上皮和间充质中筛选到共同上调基因26个,共同下调基因48个,这些基因主要富集在Wnt信号通路上,为探究上皮和间充质在毛囊生长发育中的作用机制提供理论参考。 【Objective】This study was aimed to screen the key genes,biological processes and signaling pathways that regulate feather follicle growth in the dorsal skin epithelium and mesenchyme during early development of chicken embryos,and provide a reference for understand the molecular mechanism of feather follicle growth during early development of chicken embryos.【Method】The gene chip GSE62882 dataset was downloaded from the GEO database,and then the limma package of R language was used to conduct difference analysis on the dataset.At 7th and 9th days of embryonic stage,the differential genes of skin epithelium and mesenchyme,and co-upregulated and co-downregulated genes between shin epithelium and mesenchyme were screened.The STRING online database was used to analyze the protein-protein interaction network of differential genes,and co-upregulated and co-downregulated genes,visualized with Cytoscape 3.8.2 software,and the clusterProfiler package in R language was used to perform GO functional and KEGG pathway enrichment of differential genes,and co-upregulated and co-downregulated genes.【Result】A total of 626 differential genes were screened,and 189 interaction relationships,10 biological processes and 4 signaling pathways were obtained in skin epithelium on the 7th and 9th days of embryonic period.A total of 690 differential genes were screened,and 326 interaction relationships,10 biological processes and 3 signaling pathways were obtained in skin mesenchyme on the 7th and 9th days of embryonic period.In skin epithelium and mesenchyme,26 genes were co-upregulated and 48 genes were co-downregulated on the 7th and 9th days of embryonic period,and 34 interaction relationships of co-upregulated genes and co-downregulated genes were mainly enriched in Wnt signaling pathway.【Conclusion】In this study,26 co-upregulated genes and 48 co-downregulated genes were screened in skin epithelium and mesenchyme on the 7th and 9th days of embryonic period in chickens,which were mainly enriched in Wnt signaling pathway.The results provided a theoretical reference for the action mechanism of epithelium and mesenchyme in follicle growth and development.
作者 张豪 刘祎轩 朱慧媛 张朋威 雷艳茹 高超群 李东华 康相涛 ZHANG Hao;LIU Yixuan;ZHU Huiyuan;ZHANG Pengwei;LEI Yanru;GAO Chaoqun;LI Donghua;KANG Xiangtao(Key Laboratory of Livestock Resources(Poultry)Evaluation and Utilization,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs,College of Animal Science and Technology,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450000,China)
出处 《中国畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第9期3273-3282,共10页 China Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 中原学者康相涛科学家工作室(30601985) 河南省自然科学基金青年项目(202300410203)。
关键词 皮肤上皮 皮肤间充质 功能注释 富集分析 WNT信号通路 chickens epithelium mesenchyme functional annotation enrichment analysis Wnt signaling pathway
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