

Pathophysiological mechanisms and update therapeutic of patients with central sleep apnea and atrial fibrillation
摘要 国际睡眠疾病分类第三版(ICSD-3)是诊断睡眠疾病的重要参考指南,将睡眠相关呼吸障碍(sleep-related breathing disorders,SRBD)分为阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停(obstructive sleep apnea,OSA)、中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停(central sleep apnea,CSA)、睡眠相关低通气和睡眠相关低氧血症。心房纤维颤动是临床上常见的心律失常,房颤合并心功能不全易并发中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停,中枢性睡眠呼吸暂停亦是房颤的高危因素,二者相互影响,与患者的不良预后密切相关,显著增加患者的死亡率及再住院率,优化早期治疗策略至关重要,可以改善患者生活质量,降低医疗费用。 The third edition of the international classification of sleep diseases(icsd-3)is an important reference guide for the diagnosis of sleep diseases.Sleep related breathing disorders(SRBD)are divided into obstructive sleep apnea(OSA),central sleep apnea(CSA),sleep related hypopnea and sleep related hypoxemia.Atrial fibrillation(AF)is a common clincal supraventricular arrhythmia,clinical atrial fibrillation combined cardiac insufficiency is easily complicated with central sleep apnea and central sleep apnea is also the risk factors of atrial fibrillation,both influence each other,closely associated with the poor prognosis of patients,patients with a significant increase in mortality and hospitalization rates again,optimization of early treatment strategy is crucial to improve the patients life quality and lower its cost.
作者 赵芳 杨立恒 赵晓赟 程爱娟 贾玮 李月川 ZHAO Fang;YANG Li-heng;ZHAO Xiao-yun;CHENG Ai-juan;JIA Wei;LI Yue-chuan(Department of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine,Tianjin Chest Hospital,Tianjin 300222,China)
出处 《医药论坛杂志》 2022年第13期110-112,F0003,共4页 Journal of Medical Forum
基金 国家重点研发计划(2019YFC0119404) 天津市卫生健康科技项目(ZC20104)。
关键词 睡眠呼吸暂停 中枢性 房颤 病理生理机制 Sleep apnea Central Sleep apnea Atrial fibrillation Pathophysiological mechanism
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