
论士人画:从苏轼到郑板桥——“墨石诗意”七百年 被引量:2

On Scholars′Paintings:“Implication in Rock Paintings”for 700 Years from SU Shi to ZHENG Ban-qiao
摘要 将传统花鸟画中的那块“石头”(造型元素),从美学上分出“墨石诗意-拜石怡性”两类,作为标识“士人画-文人画”分野的器识性符号,意义有三。其一,从北宋苏轼到明代董其昌,对文士抒写心志情趣之笔墨本有“士人画”“文人画”之别称,但董其昌后的画苑却让“文人画”称呼含混地“涵盖”了“士人画”,本文提炼的“墨石诗意”,旨在佐证“士人画”所以异质于“文人画”,因为前者对画家道德情怀之倾注,远胜对笔墨技巧之逸趣。其二,以“墨石诗意”为视角,从北宋到清代的中华画史,可分出“士人画”“文人画”两条流脉:前者从苏轼到郑板桥,后者从米芾到陈洪绶。这是古贤以绘石来表征的彼此生命角色自期。其三,“墨石诗意”所纵贯且通融的“东坡怪石”与“板桥竹兰石”,不仅可鉴君子诗哲谱系之千古传承,更可鉴哲贤眼中的“石头”自古不是自然界的冰冷物体,而是哲贤应对浊世陋习时,尚能持志安魂的精神根基之象征。 In this paper,the“rock”(modeling element)in the traditional flower and bird paintings is aesthetically divided into two categories,that is,“implication in rock paintings”and“rock worship and pleasure”regarded as an instrumental symbol to mark the distinction between“scholars′paintings”and“literati′s paintings”.This is significant in three aspects.First,from SU Shi of the Northern Song Dynasty to DONG Qi-chang of the Ming Dynasty,the paintings of men of letters that express their feelings and interests are known as“scholars′paintings”and“literati′s paintings”.However,in the painting world after DONG Qi-chang,the title of“literati′s paintings”vaguely“cover”“scholars′paintings”.The“implication in rock paintings”refined in this paper is to prove that“scholars′paintings”are different from“literati′s paintings”because the former pays more attention to the artist′s moral feelings than the interest in brush and ink skills.Second,from the perspective of“implication in rock paintings”,the history of Chinese paintings from the Northern Song Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty can be divided into“scholars′paintings”and“literati′s paintings”:the former from SU Shi to ZHENG Ban-qiao,and the latter from MI Fu to CHEN Hong-shou.This is the life roles of the ancient sages represented by rock paintings.Third,from the“Dongpo′s grotesque rock”and“Banqiao′s bamboo,orchid and rock”in the“implication in rock paintings”,we can not only know the ancient inheritance of exemplary persons′poetry and philosophy,but also learn that the“rock”in the eyes of the worthy has not been a cold object in nature since ancient times,but a symbol of the spiritual foundation of the worthy when they deal with the turbid world.
作者 夏中义 XIA Zhong-yi
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期63-79,189,共18页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
关键词 士人画 墨石诗意 苏轼 郑板桥 scholars′paintings implication in rock paintings SU Shi ZHENG Ban-qiao
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