

Discussing Tiger in Tiger Year: Good and Evil of Human and Tiger in Dao’s and Secular World
摘要 谈虎有趣,用供博识,其于义虎、虎媒、虎配之述,事体百端,趣味十足。若人之助虎,则以包庇、医疗、助产甚至充当保姆的角色,虎之报人,则以野味相投,或以助祭;虎媒撮合,则或事成身殒,良可叹息;虎配谐而不终,亦有图色害命,或憨戆可掬,或诡异可怖,咸资明理识事。然虎事“原型”概括,致使趣味索然;尤其虎媒“抢婚”,实属牵强。而谈虎以涉善恶,虎恶而说之为善,是惟善恶相即,出于述异的心理和艺术的辩证法,类似一种强迫症的想象。虎事善恶,或系“三教”,未可指实一端,往往杂糅互越;其涉僧道,或关教理,以示惩劝,要在郊野寺观,人虎交集之实。至于述异本诸稗史,旨在猎奇,是以粗陈梗概,作意不彰;而传奇、小说益以主体投入,巧构情节、强加议论,反使作意较然,丧失纪事之诚,显示述异立场由史之文的转变。 Discussing tiger is a great fun to be erudite in the narration regarding righteous tiger, matchmaking tiger and tiger mate are attractive and vary dramatically. Helping a tiger, a man could be a shield, a medical carer, a delivering nurse and a babysitter.Tiger’s rewarding for mankind is to offer beasts and do sacrifice. As a matchmaker, it is mournful that a tiger might be dead after success. Tiger matchmaking is either harmonious by ending in tragedy or murdering for beauty, either adorable or horrifying, all of which are to be reasonable. Nevertheless, the generalization of prototype of tigers results in plain, especially“bride kidnapping” is far-fetched. Tiger is evil but being said to be good resulting from psychology of seeking fantasy and artistic dialectics. Good and evil might be related with“Three Religions”which are correlative rather than independent. It involves punishment and rewarding when it comes to the dogmas of Buddhism and Taoism. The rural temples and correlations of tigers and humans are crucial. As narrating fantasy in unofficial histories, it aims at curiosity with outline and obscure. The agent should be highlighted, plots structured and discussion strengthened in legends and novels, which manifests the intention of writing, loses the integrity and transforms standpoint from history to literary.
作者 易闻晓 易竹溪 YI Wenxiao;YI Zhuxi(Guizhou Normal University,School of Chinese Language and Literature,Guiyang 550001,China)
出处 《云梦学刊》 2022年第5期87-99,共13页 Journal of Yunmeng
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(19ZDA249),国家社科基金重点项目(18AZW011)。
关键词 《太平广记》 义虎 虎媒 虎配 儒道佛 Tai Ping Guang Ji righteous tiger matchmaking tiger tiger mate Confucianism Taoism and Buddhism
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