
湿酒糟中乙醇等9种成分分析及拮抗物质的体外筛选 被引量:1

Analysis of Nine ComPonents in Wet Distiller's Grains and in Vitro Screening of Antagonistic Substances for It's Main Toxin ComPonents
摘要 试验旨在研究湿酒糟中乙醇、甲醛等9种成分的含量及储存过程中变动规律,筛选对酒糟中主要毒性成分的有效拮抗物质。将产自川渝地区大酒厂、小酒厂的高粱型鲜白酒糟和啤酒厂的新鲜啤酒糟,均随机抽样成鲜糟组、储存7 d组、储存15 d组、存储30 d组,每个储存组5个重复,在相应时间点再采集酒糟试样,用气相色谱法测定酒糟试样中甲醇、乙醇、戊醇、正丙醇、异戊醇、异丁醇及甲醛的含量,高效液相色谱法测定试样中乙酸、乳酸的含量。存储7 d的白酒糟随机分为18组,1~17组为试验组,第18组为对照,500 g/组,1~17组按组次序号以质量百分比在酒糟中依次加入碳酸氢钠1.5%、膨润土3%,氧化镁0.5%、1%、1.5%,腐植酸钠、氧化钙、蒙脱石、分子筛均为1%、3%、5%,混匀后室温作用2 h,再采集各组酒糟试样测定其中甲醛、乙醇、乙酸、乳酸的含量。结果表明,鲜啤酒糟及大厂、小厂鲜白酒糟中乙醇、乙酸、乳酸、甲醛的检出数量较高,依次为乙醇299.64±8.48 mg/kg.DM、486.06±25.69 mg/kg.DM、11667.45±107.45 mg/kg.DM;乙酸1.80±0.35 g/kg.DM、7.11±0.29 g/kg.DM、5.14±0.63 g/kg.DM;乳酸27.93±2.69 g/kg.DM、92.90±2.56 g/kg.DM、25.41±0.71 g/kg.DM;甲醛9.64±2.49 mg/kg.DM,15.31±2.31 mg/kg.DM,18.79±2.87 mg/kg.DM。储存7、15、30 d,啤酒糟、大厂白酒糟中乙醇、乙酸含量随储存时间增加而显著上升(P<0.01),小厂白酒糟则呈现显著下降(P<0.01);3种酒糟中乳酸含量均随储存时间的增加而出现显著下降(P<0.05);啤酒糟和小厂白酒糟中甲醛含量随储存时间增加而升高(P<0.01)。1%的氧化镁对酒糟中上述4种物质的体外拮抗作用最好。 This exPeriment was conducted to find out content of nine comPonents such as ethanol and formaldehyde in wet distiller's grains and their change during storage,and to screen the effective antagonistic substances for the main toxic comPonents in distiller's grains.The sorghum-tyPe fresh white distiller's grains and fresh brewer's grains from large wineries and small wineries in Sichuan and Chongqing were randomly samPled into fresh grains grouP,storage grouP for 7 days,storage grouP for 15 days,and storage grouP for 30 days,with 5 grouPs in each storage grouP.samPles of distiller's grains were collected at the corresPonding time Point,and the contents of methanol,ethanol,amyl alcohol,n-ProPanol,isoamyl alcohol,isobutanol and formaldehyde in the distiller's grain samPles were determined by gas chromatograPhy,and the contents of acetic acid and lactic acid in the samPles were determined by high Performance liquid chromatograPhy.The distiller's grains stored for 7 days form small winery were randomly divided into 18 grouPs,GrouPs 1~17 were the exPerimental grouP,and grouP 18 was the control,grouP 500 g/grouP.According to the exPerimental grouP number and mass Percentage,sodium bicarbonate 1.5%,bentonite 3%,magnesium oxide 0.5%,1%and 1.5%were added to the distiller's grains in turn,and the ProPortion added of sodium humate,calcium oxide,montmorillonite,and molecular sieve were all 1%,3%,and 5%.After mixing,let them act at room temPerature for 2 hours,and then distiller's grain samPles collected,the contents of formaldehyde,ethanol,acetic acid and lactic acid in the samPles were determined.The result showed that the detected amount of ethanol,acetic acid,lactic acid,and formaldehyde in fresh brewer's grains and fresh white distiller's grains from large and small factories were relatively high,followed by ethanol 299.64±8.48 mg/kg.DM,486.06±25.69 mg/kg.DM,11667.45±107.45mg/kg.DM,acetic acid 1.80±0.35 g/kg.DM,7.11±0.29 g/kg.DM,5.14±0.63 g/kg.DM,lactic acid 27.93±2.69 g/kg.DM,92.90±2.56g/kg.DM,25.41±0.71g/kg.DM,formaldehyde 9.64±2.49 mg/kg.DM,15.31±2.31 mg/kg.DM,18.79±2.87 mg/kg.DM.After 7,15,and 30 days of storage,the contents of ethanol and acetic acid in brewer's grains and white distiller's grains from large factories increased significantly with the increase of storage time(P<0.01),while those of whit distiller's grains from small factories showed a significant decrease(P<0.01).The content of lactic acid in the 3 kinds of distillers'grains decreased significantly(P<0.05)with the increase of storage time;the content of formaldehyde in brewer's grains and whit distillers'grain from small factories increased(P<0.01)with the increase of storage time.1%magnesium oxide was the best in vitro antagonism for the four substances that above mentioned in distiller's grains.
作者 李前勇 张余蓬 朱瑞 张德志 张芝金 罗怡茜 郭灵君 LI Qianyong;ZHANG YuPeng;ZHU Rui;ZHANG Dezhi;ZHANG Zhijin;LUO Yiqian;GUO Lingjun(College of Veterinary Medicine Southwest University,Rongchang Chongqing 402460,China;Chongqing Veterinary Engineering Technology Research Center,Rongchang Chongqing 402460,China;Chongqing Beef Cattle Engineering Technology Research Center,Rongchang Chongqing 402460,China)
出处 《畜牧兽医科学(电子版)》 2022年第5期28-34,共7页 Graziery Veterinary Sciences:Electronic Version
基金 重庆市技术创新与应用发展专项面上项目(cstc2019jscx-msxmX0411) 国家重点研发计划(2018YFD0501705) 重庆市高等教育改革研究项目(193034)。
关键词 湿酒糟 毒性成分 拮抗物质 色谱法 wet distiller's grains toxic ingredients antagonistic substance chromatograPhy
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