Literary criticism is an act of judging aesthetic values, and the judgment must be completed in the context of “intersexuality” relations. The relativistic tendency of context does not flatten the aesthetic value of literature, because the aesthetic of literary context does not adhere to the incomprehensibility and particularity of “relativism”, but follows the principle of “relativity”, which happens to be the presentation of diversified aesthetic tastes and diversified meanings. Behind the aesthetic relativity is the universality of literary value;the difference in the aesthetic surface of literature comes from the “personal preference” and “historical-cultural” values of literary aesthetic value;the deep commonality of literature comes from the “universal life appeal”. Furthermore, deep aesthetic judgments(the “universal communication” and “sense of commonality” of aesthetics) come from the commonality of human nature, and the stability of human nature itself can be traced back to the debate between scientific rationality and free will in the Kant era. Its contemporary representation is Controversy between genetic determinism and contextual determinism.
Journal of Humanities Across the Straits