
内生的主体性:老山精神的家国情怀与固边兴边富民 被引量:2

Endogenous Subjectivity:Patriotism of the Laoshan Spirit and Consolidating the Borderlands,Prospering the Borderlands and Enriching the People
摘要 老山精神最根本的内涵就是爱国主义,是中华民族共同体意识的集中表现和铸牢中华民族共同体意识的重要思想资源。边境地区各族群众和人民军队在对抗外来侵略威胁和各种风险挑战的过程中共同铸就了老山精神,在守卫边境安宁和建设美丽家园的实践中继承和弘扬着老山精神,并在扩大沿边开放和促进睦邻友好的探索中创新和升华着老山精神。老山精神已成为各族群众人心归聚、精神相依、团结奋进的强大动力,在推动中华民族成为认同度更高、凝聚力更强的命运共同体过程中发挥着重要作用。西南边疆各族人民在守边固边和保护国家主权与领土完整中所做出的奉献和牺牲,增强了各族人民的国家认同,激发了各族人民在铸牢中华民族共同体意识中的主体性。铸牢中华民族共同体意识是维护各民族根本利益的必然要求,也是各族人民的内生需求和强烈愿望。 The most fundamental connotation of the Laoshan Spirit is patriotism,which is the concentrated expression of the sense of community for the Chinese nation and an essential ideological resource for consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation.The people of all ethnic groups and the people’s army in the southeast borderlands have jointly forged the Laoshan Spirit in confronting the threat of foreign aggression and various risks and challenges.They have inherited and carried forward the Laoshan Spirit in the practice of guarding the peace of the borderlands and building a beautiful home,and have been innovating and sublimating the Laoshan Spirit in the exploration of expanding the opening-up along the borderlands and promoting good neighborly friendship.Having become a powerful driving force for the people of all ethnic groups to gather,rely on each other in spirit,and forge ahead in unity,the Laoshan Spirit has played an important role in promoting the Chinese nation to become a community of shared future with higher recognition and stronger cohesion.The contributions and sacrifices of the people of all ethnic groups in the southwest frontier in guarding and consolidating the borderlands and protecting national sovereignty and territorial integrity have strengthened the national identity of the people of all ethnic groups and stimulated the subjectivity of the people of all ethnic groups in forging a strong sense of the community for the Chinese nation.Consolidating the sense of community for the Chinese nation is not only an inevitable requirement for safeguarding the fundamental interests of all ethnic groups,but also the endogenous demand and strong desire of the people of all ethnic groups.
作者 朱凌飞 王燕 ZHU Lingfei;WANG Yan
出处 《湖北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期19-29,共11页 Journal of Hubei Minzu University:Philosophy and Social Sciences
基金 国家社会科学基金项目“云南国际通道建设与其‘辐射中心’定位研究”(17BMZ020) 云南省铸牢中华民族共同体意识研究基地课题“现代化边境小康村与铸牢中华民族共同体意识案例研究——以文山为例”(2021-SMZJ-01) 云南大学第十三届研究生科研创新项目“从‘焦土’到‘沃土’:对麻栗坡天保‘乡村振兴示范园’的个案研究”(2021Z054)。
关键词 老山精神 主体性 家国情怀 固边兴边富民 中华民族共同体意识 the Laoshan Spirit subjectivity patriotism consolidating the borderlands,prospering the borderlands and enriching the people the sence of community for the Chinese nation
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