
论红船精神与伟大建党精神的逻辑关系——兼论红船精神在中国共产党精神谱系中的地位 被引量:3

On the Logical Relationship between the Red Boat Spirit and the Great Founding Spirit——Also on the Role of the Red Boat Spirit in the Spiritual Genealogy of the Communist Party of China
摘要 从学术史的角度看,红船精神研究和宣传对伟大建党精神的提出起了基础性和开创性作用。正是红船精神的研究和宣传推动了人们对伟大建党精神的讨论,从而产生了进一步凝练概括伟大建党精神的需要。伟大建党精神与红船精神既具有一致性,也具有差异性。从精神内涵、提出的背景和主体、形成的实践依据来看,两者是一致的。两者的差异在于,红船精神主要侧重对红船起航这一历史性时刻重大意义的精神表征,伟大建党精神则更加侧重对中国共产党百年奋斗的精神表征。100年来,“红船”已经成为具有广泛影响力的红色标识和历史符号,具有丰富的政治寓意。红船精神是中国革命精神之源、党的先进性之源,集中体现了伟大建党精神,在中国共产党精神谱系中具有非常独特的历史地位。因此,在不断推进伟大建党精神研究的同时,也要继续深化红船精神的研究。 From the perspective of academic history,the research and publicity of the Red Boat Spirit have played a fundamental and pioneering role in putting forward the great founding spirit of the Party.It is the research and publicity of the Red Boat Spirit that promote people’s discussion on this great founding spirit,thus generating the need to refine and summarize the founding spirit.The great founding spirit and the Red Boat Spirit are both consistent and different.In terms of the spiritual connotation,the background and subject of their proposal and the practical basis of their formation,the two spirits are consistent.Their difference is that the Red Boat Spirit mainly focuses on the spiritual representation of the great significance of the historic moment when the red boat set sail,while the great founding spirit focuses more on the spiritual representation of the CPC’s one hundred years of struggle.Over the past hundred years,the“red boat”has become a widely influential red signifier and historical symbol with rich political implications.The Red Boat Spirit is the source of the Chinese revolutionary spirit and the progressiveness of the Party.It embodies the great founding spirit and has occupied a unique historical position in the spiritual genealogy of the CPC.Therefore,while continuously promoting the study of the great founding spirit,we should also continue to deepen the study of the Red Boat Spirit.
作者 彭冰冰 Peng Bingbing(College of Marxism,Jiaxing University,Jiaxing,Zhejiang 314001)
出处 《嘉兴学院学报》 2022年第5期62-70,共9页 Journal of Jiaxing University
基金 国家社科基金重大项目(20ZD015)。
关键词 红船精神 伟大建党精神 逻辑关系 精神谱系 历史地位 Red Boat Spirit great founding spirit of the Party logical relationship spiritual genealogy historical role
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