

Research on the Value Added Accounting of Intellectual Property Intensive Industries and the Economic Contribution
摘要 本文基于知识产权产业历史资料,建立了一套知识产权产业增加值的核算方法,并基于经济普查和投入产出调查资料,设计不同的关于知识产权密集型产业增加值的数据采集和推算方法。通过该方法得到9个年份的专利密集型产业、版权密集型产业和商标密集型产业增加值数据,以及9张包含知识产权产业的投入产出表。利用测算结果以及投入产出分析方法,研究了2002—2020年间我国知识产权密集型产业对经济的直接贡献和间接贡献。研究结果表明,知识产权密集型产业增加值稳步上涨,对国民经济的直接贡献率总体呈现上升趋势;知识产权密集型产业的单位产出所引起的其他部门的产出处于社会平均水平,而对国民经济的推动力远远高于社会平均水平。本文为研究知识产权密集型产业对国民经济的间接贡献提供了一个新的思路和方法。同时,本文得到的包含知识产权密集型产业的投入产出表,也为研究知识产权密集型产业全要素生产率测算提供了必要的数据基础。 Based on the historical data of the intellectual property industry,this paper establishes a set of accounting methods for the value added of the intellectual property industry.For the input-output survey year and no-survey year,it designs two methods of data collection and estimation for the value added of intellectual property industry.Based on economic census and input-output survey data,the paper use the new methods to get the value added data of patent intensive industries,copyright intensive industries and trademark intensive industries in 9 years,as well as 9 input-output tables containing intellectual property industries.Using the measurement results and input-output analysis methods,it studies the direct and indirect contributions of China’s intellectual property intensive industries to the economy from 2002 to 2020.The results show that the added value of intellectual property intensive industries is rising steadily,and the direct contribution rate to the national economy is on the rise.The output of other sectors caused by the unit output of intellectual property intensive industries is at the social average level,and the driving force to the national economy is far higher than the social average level.It provides a new idea and method for studying the indirect contribution of intellectual property intensive industries to the national economy.At the same time,the input-output table containing intellectual property intensive industries obtained in this paper also provides the necessary data basis for the study of total factor productivity measurement of intellectual property intensive industries.
作者 于洋 Yu Yang(Research Institute of Statistical Sciences,National Bureau of Statistics)
出处 《调研世界》 CSSCI 2022年第9期72-79,共8页 The World of Survey and Research
基金 国家知识产权局软科学研究项目“知识产权产业统计核算问题研究”(JT17-A-05)的资助。
关键词 知识产权密集型产业 专利密集型 版权密集型 商标密集型 经济贡献 Intellectual Property Intensive Industry Patent Intensive Copyright Intensive Trademark Intensive Economic Contribution
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