

“For the World,For the Truth”:From Spiritual Motivation to Cultural Heritage
摘要 “怀天下,求真知”是河北师范大学历经百年沧桑、多源一脉汇总提炼而成的校训。她是一道光阴,是一串符号,是一面旗帜,是一种信念,是一个灵魂,是精神的彰显,是文化的体现,有历史的积淀,有当今的承担。她有多源的丰富,又有一脉相承的执着。从顺天府学堂、北洋女师范学堂到河北师范大学,梳理李端棻、傅增湘、吕兰清和齐国樑等创办者和管理者的艰辛以及梁漱溟等精英人才的成就,可以体悟到河北师范大学师生百年血汗浇铸“怀天下,求真知”的坎坷历程和灵魂升华。“怀天下,求真知”是精神激励,也是文化传承。绍续天下一家之道统,弘扬求真致用之学脉,尊师贵道,尚真创新,这是河北师范大学相传百年的精神文脉,在新的时代必将展示出自己独特的风采。 “For the World,For the Truth”is the motto of Hebei Normal University,which has been distilled from multiple sources in one continuous line through the vicissitudes of a century.It is a period of time,a string of symbols,a banner,a belief,a soul,a manifestation of spirit,an expression of culture,a historical accumulation and a present commitment.From Shuntianfu School(顺天府学堂),Beiyang Women’s Normal School(北洋女师范学堂)to Hebei Normal University,combing the strenuous efforts of its founders and administrators such as Li Duanfen(李端棻),Fu Zengxiang(傅增湘),Lv Lanqing(吕兰清),and Qi Guoliang(齐国樑),and the achievements of its elites such as Liang Shuming(梁漱溟),we come to understand the centennial endeavor of the teachers and students of Hebei Normal University embracing this sublimated ideal“For the World,For the Truth”despite all the ups and downs along the way.It is both spiritual motivation and cultural heritage,carrying forward the tradition that all under heaven are of one family and the teaching to seek truth to meet practical needs,respect teachers and esteem morality,and participate in entrepreneurial activities.This century⁃old cultural spirit will surely display its unique glamor in the new era.
作者 王俊才 WANG Juncai(College of History and Culture,Hebei Normal University,Shijiazhuang,Hebei 050024,China)
出处 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2022年第5期20-28,共9页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
关键词 河北师范大学 怀天下 求真知 现代大学 校训 Hebei Normal University For the World For the Truth modern university school motto
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