
神奇的光催化 被引量:1

Amazing Photocatalysis
摘要 光催化反应的原理是当能量大于或等于能带间隙的光照射到半导体光催化剂上时,其价带中的电子将被激发跃迁到导带,在价带上留下空穴,形成电子-空穴对,发生一系列氧化-还原反应。光催化技术是一种高效、安全的环境友好型环境净化技术,有着广阔的发展前景。文章以一个学生的视角,带领读者走进了光催化的神奇世界。 When the semiconductor photocatalyst is irradiated by light with energy greater than or equal to the energy band gap,electronic transition will occur between the valence band and the conduction band to form electron-hole pair,thus,a series of oxidation-reduction reactions will happen.Photocatalysis is an efficient and environment-friendly technology for environmental decontamination,having the potential for a breadth of applications.From the perspective of a student,this article leads readers into the magic world of photocatalysis.
作者 王燕 张绮彤 张彬 王宇 Yan Wang;Qitong Zhang;Bin Zhang;Yu Wang(School of Chemical Engineering and Chemistry,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin 150000,China)
出处 《大学化学》 CAS 2022年第9期98-102,共5页 University Chemistry
基金 黑龙江省教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度重点课题(GJB1421034)。
关键词 光催化 制氢 CO_(2)还原 污染物降解 Photocatalysis Hydrogen production CO2 reduction Pollutant degradation
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