
基于数据挖掘的李军祥治疗溃疡性结肠炎用药规律分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Medication Law of Li Junxiang in the Treatment of Ulcerative Colitis Based on Data Mining
摘要 目的通过数据挖掘方法分析李军祥教授治疗溃疡性结肠炎(UC)的用药规律,归纳其辨证思路。方法收集5356则李军祥教授治疗UC的医案,涉及患者1510例。建立数据库,采用古今医案云平台2.3.5数据挖掘模块进行药物频次、中药性味归经统计,并通过关联规则分析、聚类分析获得核心组方。结果5356首处方涉及药物433种,使用频次>1000的药物25种,包括黄连、炮姜、白芍、陈皮、苦参等。运用关联规则分析和聚类分析得到核心处方:黄连、炮姜、苦参、青黛、陈皮、炙甘草、木香。用药多寒、温并用,药味多苦、辛、甘,归肝、胃、脾经,功效以清热祛湿解毒、温中健脾为主,并辅以大量凉血化瘀化痰之品。结论李军祥教授治疗UC重在调理脾胃,亦关注肝经调畅,清温并用,注重阴阳平调,配合理气活血、凉血止血。 Objective To analyze the medication law of Professor Li Junxiang’s in the treatment of ulcerative colitis(UC)through data mining method;To summarize Professor Li Junxiang thoughts in syndrome differentiation and treatment of UC.Methods A total of 5356 medical cases with UC treated by Professor Li Junxiang were collected,involving 1510 patients.A database was established.The data mining module of the ancient and modern medical record cloud platform 2.3.5 was used to carry out statistics on the frequency of drugs,the properties and tastes of Chinese materia medica,and the core prescriptions were obtained through association rule analysis and cluster analysis.Results Among the 5356 prescriptions collected,433 kinds of Chinese materia medica were involved,of which 25 kinds of Chinese materia medica were used more than 1000 times,including Coptidis Rhizoma,Zingiberis Preparata Rhizoma,Paeoniae Radix Alba,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Sophorae Flavescentis Radix.Association rule analysis and cluster analysis obtained the core prescription:Coptidis Rhizoma,Zingiberis Preparata Rhizoma,Sophorae Flavescentis Radix,Indigo Naturalis,Citri Reticulatae Pericarpium,Glycyrrhizae Radix et Rhizoma Praeparata cum Melle,Aucklandiae Radix.The medication was in combination with cold and warm,and the tastes were bitter,spicy,and sweet.The meridians were the liver meridian,stomach meridians and spleen meridian.The main efficacy was mainly to clear heat,remove dampness and detoxify,warm the middle and strengthen the spleen,supplemented by a large number of products that cool blood,remove blood stasis and resolve phlegm.Conclusion Professor Li Junxiang’s treatment of UC focuses on regulating the spleen and stomach,he also pays attention to regulating the liver meridian and simultaneously clearing and warming,and paying attention to the balance of yin and yang.At the same time,it is equipped with regulating qi and activating blood circulation,cooling blood to stop bleeding.
作者 郑婉婷 李敬华 田少磊 吴恙 朱玲 李军祥(指导) ZHENGWanting;LI Jinghua;TIAN Shaolei;WU Yang;ZHU Ling;LI Junxiang(Institute of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine,China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences,Beijing 100700,China;Dongfang Hospital,Beijing University of Chinese Medicine,Beijing 100078,China)
出处 《中国中医药信息杂志》 CAS CSCD 2022年第9期59-64,共6页 Chinese Journal of Information on Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家重点研发计划(2018YFC1705401) 北京市自然科学基金(7202144) 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项资金(ZZ140316)。
关键词 溃疡性结肠炎 数据挖掘 李军祥 用药规律 ulcerative colitis data mining Li Junxiang medication law
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