

Re-discussion on the Periodization and Date of Xinle Culture
摘要 新乐文化是辽中地区史前时期的考古学文化之一。围绕新乐文化的分期与年代,发掘报告和一些学者都曾进行过诸多探讨,但发掘报告进行的陶器型式划分和不同学者提出的新乐文化三期分法仍有可待商榷之处。以周边地区同时期的考古学文化为参照,通过对典型遗址出土陶器进行类型学分析,新乐文化可分为三期四段,第一期以王全遗址为代表,第二期以新乐遗址为代表,第三期以阿仁艾勒遗址为代表。前两期文化面貌较为接近,第三期文化面貌发生了较大变化。至于新乐文化的绝对年代,依据现有的测年数据以及不同时期的陶器特征,可暂定为距今约7300—6500年。 Xinle Culture is one of the archaeological cultures of Neolithic Age in central Liaoning Province.The excavation reports and some scholars had made many discussions on the stage division and absolute chronology of Xinle Culture.One view is that the Xinle Site,which best represents the Xinle Culture,has the elements of both early and late periods,while another view is that this archaeological culture can be divided into three periods with the Xinle Site as the representative.Based on the analysis of the arguments held by each viewpoint and the coexistence of pottery from the Xinle Site,it can be seen that the pottery type classification made in the excavation report and the"three periods"of Xinle Culture proposed by different scholars are still open to debate.In addition to the Xinle Site,Wangquan Site and Aren’aile Site can also be included in the Xinle Culture for comprehensive consideration.Taking the archaeological cultures of the same period in the surrounding area as reference,through the typological analysis of the pottery excavated from typical sites,the Xinle Culture can be divided into three periods including four phases.The first period is represented by the Wangquan Site,the deep-bellied jar is decorated with short horizontal rows of“之”pattern on the surface,its shape and decorative features are closer to those of similar vessels from the late Xinglongwa Culture.The second period is represented by the Xinle Site,the main types of decoration are the“之”pattern and parallel string pattern which are neatly arranged.And the third period is represented by the Aren’aile Site,the“之”pattern is arranged slantingly,which looks a little slapdash.The cultural features of the first two periods are relatively close,while the cultural features of the third period have changed significantly.As for the absolute age of Xinle Culture,based on the available dating data and the characteristics of pottery in different periods,it can be tentatively set at about 7300-6500 years ago.
作者 李志伟 王强 Li Zhiwei;Wang Qiang
出处 《四川文物》 北大核心 2022年第4期37-48,共12页 Sichuan Cultural Relics
基金 山东大学青年交叉科学创新群体项目“黄淮海地区文明探源的科技支撑与多学科合作研究”(项目编号:2020QNQT018) 山东省社会科学规划研究项目“海岱地区史前时期玉器材质及制作工艺研究”(项目编号:21CKGJ04)。
关键词 新乐文化 分期 年代 陶器 共时分析 Xinle Culture Periodization Chronology Pottery Synchronic approach
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